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Blade and Ice at the P'burg Mall


The Wolf Pack

In this adventure, Blade and Ice visited the P'burg Mall.

Ice had been having some trouble with this kid at school. He would purposely back his chair into him, and cause Ice to be squashed into the table. Ice and the kid had gotten into a fight one day, but Ice was the only one held back. Ice and I usually just walk the mall for a little bit, checking out chicks and playing video games before work. We passed Ice's "friend" outside the coffee shop. The kid said something to his girlfriend and kept looking at Ice. Every time we passed him he would watch Ice. The kid was standing outside Lady Foot Locker, when Ice called him out. Ice said, "Hey you! Do you have a staring problem?!" The kid said, "No, do you?!" Ice said, "If you do, come on out and we will take care of it, pussy!" The kid said, "We will make a date of it. I don't want to fight in front of my girlfriend." Upon hearing this, Ice and I busted out laughing and left the mall.

On a second trip to the mall, Ice and I met up with him again. When we passed him, I heard the kid say "Oh no." I told Ice this and we both laughed. We followed the kid into KMart. He was walking around acting all big and bad with his jacket off (trying to show off his muscles). I took Ice's jacket and he did the same. We havent seen the kid since.
