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Sailor Mooney Pictures :-)


Hello you lovely people! :) Here are some of my Sailor Moon pictures. Note, I actually drew these. Pathetic, isn't it, that I spend this much time of my life on this stuff? *lol*

Sailor Moon herself...uncolored of course, because I'm lazy. *s*

This would be Sailor Saturn, I think. I can't remember very well. *lol*

Look! It's me! AKA Sailor Jupiter. And I appear to be slightly tiffed.

Spaz! AKA Sailor Venus. She's perty. *L*

Tuxedo Mask...*lesigh*...'nough said.

Okay, this one I did not actually draw, but I did funkdify the colors. :)

I have more, just not with me. :) I'll put them up later. :)
