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Hello peoples! I had some free time today at school (okay, so this happens alot. And?). I decided to make a page about my cat. I know, I'm pathetic. But hey...if it makes me happy, then I say, go for it. :)

The pic at the top of the page, as you may have noticed, is of a cat. Actually, it's of my cat, Phantom [of the Opera]. Isn't he cute? He's nuts, just like me, which is probably why we get along so well. Wanna see a list (yes, it's scarey isn't it?) of the things we have in common? Of course you don't, but here you go anyway. :-)

We both

We have more in common, but I didn't feel like listing it. *lol* I think I'll post a few more pics of Phantom soon. :) He's so darn photogenic. BTW, no! He is not my life! I just happen to like my cat and the internet and photography. I also love combining my interests. :)


yes, I know, it gets worse. *loL*

For some unknown reason, my cat has decided that repeatedly waking me up in the middle of the is not only his right, but also a sacred duty. For the past week, neither Spaz nor myself has gotten a decent night's sleep. *insert perverted Alena-ish joke here* Phantom, it seems, is determined on making my GPA drop this second semester, and he's going about it in an honestly intelligent way. Girl needs sleep. Sleep helps girl get good grades. Girl spends more time at school when she gets good grades. Cat disturbs girl. Girl's grades drop. Girl spends more time at home. Cat is happy. Sickening, isn't it, that I take the time to type this out? *lol*

And we wonder why he's not feeling well

Demon Cat (and no, I didn't doctor this pic up *L*)


The Hester house has a new kitty cat. :) Introducing *drumroll please*: Fulton (named Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, one of the most awesome Catholic's ever! :-)

Get me out of here
