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Stuebenville Pictures!!!!!!!

J. M. J.

Hello peoples!!! I finally got my pictures from the Stuebenville Youth Conference (July 23-25), and tested out my dad's new scanner. It works wonderfully, BTW. :-) Well, here they are. Don't be too scared of me and my crazy Catholic friends. :)

That would be George, Sylvana, Fr. Stan, Me (in front, in white shirt), Kelly, last but not least, Crazy Mary :-)

And this would be Sylvana and Kelly, dancing in the Spirit.

Kelly has loverly hair, has she not? *L*

Break it down, Cricket. :)

Okay, enough of that. :) Here are some pics of Crispin performing at the Youth Conference...

Bongo and Daniel. :-)

And Daniel...I believe he was telling us the "hoochie mama" story *lol*.

And the whole band...mostly :-)

MORE PICTURES!!!!! Thanks Kelly! :)

Look! Group Shot! Let's see, back row, L-R: George, Christy, Will, Mike, Brian, Regina, and Detlef. Front row, R-L, LisaRose, Kelly, and that would be, me (Bridget), Sylvana, and Mary wearing our Crispin T-shirts there. :)

"Ooh look! Here come Big Jeff!"--Fr. Stan, Jeff Cavins, tough guy voice needed. :)

This was...simply amazing. No other words for it. Praised be Jesus Christ, Now and Forever!

"More to come, more to come! I said brief, not infinitessimal." Sorry, short Pimpernel relapse. :)

Get me away from this crazyness