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With you In Your Dreams Forever, a sequel to "Carmeleta's Journal"

Hey! This is yet another Hanson story written by Steph. Many people have stated that I should write more Hanson stories, and especially a sequel. For those of you that haven't read "Carmeleta's Journal," I suggest that you read it before you read this. So, in my free time, I will be writing this sequel. Thanks to everyone for your support and encouraging notes and comments!! This is what you and I wanted, so here I go.
*note* This is completely fictional and I am no way connected with Hanson, though I wish.*

Chapter One (Sept. 1999)

"Hey, Carm, ya checked out Hanson's tour dates for this year yet?" Raia, her new step-sister asked her. "Hmmm, no?" she replied absentmindedly as she worked on her math homework. "Well, I read it in the magazine earlier and it says that they're coming here, to Indianapolis on October 25th, and I thought that maybe you'd like to go, since you're into them." "Whatever, Raia. Haven't you had a clue? I'm into Backstreet Boys now. Duh. No one likes Hanson anymore."

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