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Feb. 14, 1998

Hi. This is one of my stupid presents for V-day. How can mom think that this is a good way to get my feelings out? It's just a notebook. Besides, it's just a cheap gift, that our family actually CAN afford. Why do I have to write in it? I'm almost 14 years old!!! What kind of a present is this? Today, I didn't even get any calls from any boys. Well, yeah, I did, but it was only to make fun of me. So, maybe I only have Aerial from the "Little Mermaid" clothes, but I can't help it. That's the only kind of clothes my mom can pick up from garage sales. Well, I also have Cinderella.....hmmm....not interested. All the girls are treating me like a low-down, and I don't do a thing. Just sit there. The only friends I have are Daria, my dog, and Adrian, my cat. They don't really understand, but at least they like me! I feel so depressed. Maybe I should ask mom if I can go on Prozac or something. This weekend about the entire 7th grade girls are going to the local Hanson concert. Jenna came to school with 20 tickets, that take up the ENTIRE second row. Her father is sooo rich! Anyway, she gave them to all the girls (which is 10 girls) except for me. None of the boys were interested, and she had given them to every friend possible, which was 15 people total, with 5 tickets left, and she gave them to fourth graders!!! She didn't even give me one! It's not that I like Hanson, it's the fact that she wouldn't even give me one, which really hurt. What are the words to the song? Ummm, "MMMBop, bop bop, tell me." I have no clue. We have no radio or anything in my house. I was just visiting my hypocrite temporary friend's house, and she played it constantly. She was using me for my education help. Anyway, I'll consider writing later.

~*~next entry~*~
~*~go home~*~
