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Later that Day

The family got into their car and followed the Ambulance. Diana rode in the Ambulance with Carm. Carmeleta was in a coma, barely alive. The paramedics said she overdosed with Aspirin and attempted suicide. "You're lucky she's alive at all. It's good that you found her," the paramedic continued. "Actually, my son, Zac found her, or else I would have never known about it," Diana replied. "Well, I'll have to meet the tike," he said. "Do you think she'll live?" "It's hard to say in this situation. We'll have to pump her stomach as soon as we get to the hospital." "Doctor, doctor!!! We have no pulse." "Give me the generator. We'll jump her heart. 1,2,3....ugh....this....c'mon...1,2,3.....come on Carmeleta, 1,2,3!! There!! A pulse! Okay we're at the hospital." The paramedics ran in with the gurney. There lay Carmeleta, as peaceful as ever, the Hansons scurrying along behind them. The Hansons were told to wait in the Emergency Room. "I hope she's okay," Zac said, breaking the silence. "I think we should sing Amen," Walker announced. Okay, guys, 1,2,3. "Amen," the Hanson family sang ending their song. Right then Dr. Isuzu came into the room. "Ahem. I'm sorry if I broke any religious concept. Can we discuss more important things? Carmeleta has....well, she passed-" "DOCTOR!!! It's a miracle!!!! Carmeleta has regained consciousness!!! She regained it five seconds after you left!!!" Gasps and silence filled the room. "May I see her?" Taylor asked astounded. "Yes, but be gentle," Dr Isuzu answered. "You and your religious ways. Sheesh." "Hey, Carm. How are you?" Taylor asked. "A little weary," she answered. "Do you know what you just did? You attempted suicide, and were dead twice." "Yeah, I know. After I was gone the second time, I heard a chorus of "Amens" that sounded like angels." "Well," he answered,"that was us." "Really? Good. Does this mean I get to stay with you guys?" "Ummm, I dunno." "Okay, well, I'm going to go back to sleep." "You do that," Taylor answered, and leaned over to kiss her forehead.

~*~the final entry~*~
