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"Carm's last Day"---->story form

"Diana, I have to go today? Please don't make me go!!!" "Carm, you should be glad you're alive, so, just don't complain. You know we don't want you to go. This is hard enough on all of us," Diana answered. "Can I go hang out with Ike, Tay, and Zac this last hour before I go?" "Sure," Diana answered. Carmeleta walked out to the treehouse, where she found the famous trio. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Isaac asked. "Fine, but not so good. I don't know what I'll do without you guys." Taylor just stood there, unusually quiet. "Well, you can write us. You know the address. But we'll miss you soooo much!!! I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!" "Awww, thanks Zac. can let go now. Zac? Loosen the grip." "Yeah, Carm, we'll really miss ya," Isaac said, and went over and hugged her. "Tay, what's with YOU?" Zac asked. "SHUT UP, Zac," he replied. "Oh, no, they're here!!!!!!" Carm screamed. Isaac and Zac gripped her by the hand and pulled her to the front yard. Taylor followed silently behind. The whole Hanson bunch awaited her, including Amber. "I never knew you were with Hanson!" Amber exclaimed. "I'm sorry," Carm said." Forgive me?" "I guess so. Come here, ya Carmy and give me a hug!!!!" "Oh, I'll miss you Amber!!!" Carm said. "Oh, yeah, here's my address, phone number, and a card I made for you." "Thanks." Next in line for goodbyes was little Mackie. "Hey, Mack. Wuzzup?" "Da sky, and Power Rangers!!" he replied. "You're cute. Now, you can let go of my leg, Mack." "Here's a picture I drew of our house," and he handed her a self-drawn picture. "Thanks, Mackenzie." Carmeleta was tearing up by now. There were Jessica and Avery, with a Barbie poster that they made with pictures of Barbies and them playing Barbies together. "Oh, girls, thanks. Gimme a hug now." "We'll...we'll... miss you, Carm," Avery said fighting back tears. "Yeah, Carm, we love you," continued Jesicca, sobbing. Then Carmeleta was in the presence of Walker and Diana. "Thanks so much for taking me in and letting me experience real family values. I love you guys!" she said, hugging the both of them. "You're welcome to visit any time when you get a chance to come back west from Iowa," Diana told her. "Oh, yeah, here's a box of 'cool' clothes we bought you. Next was Isaac. "Bye Ike!!! Thanks for being my big brother. Love ya!" "I have something for you, Carm," he said. "It's my first guitar pick. I know it's not much, but it was very important." "Thanks, Ike." Now it was Zac's turn. "Bye, man!!!" he exclaimed, hugging her tightly."I LOVE YOU MAN!!! Look, you made a Hanson boy VERY SAD!!! I hope you don't make me cry. I got you a NINTENDO 64 shirt. You are the only one that can beat me." "Thanks, Zac!" And, now, finally, Taylor. "Taylor, I...I...umm....this is for you." Carmeleta handed him her journal. "Carm, I'm sorry I've been so quiet. I'm going to miss you so much. and I don't know what I'll do without you. Here's my cross necklace." "Oh, Taylor, I'll always wear it." "Carm, I'm going to miss you so much!! I...I...I love you." "I love you too, Taylor. I love all of you. But you're going to be the hardest to let go. My heart will go on." They embraced eachother tightly and were forced to let go. "CARM, NEVER LET GO!!!!" Taylor yelled, crying, as Carmeleta was pulled out of his wrath. "I won't," she answered. "I'll never let go."

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