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Feb. 17, 1998

Today was really busy. First of all, last night, the Hansons invited me to stay at their house because a girl in this situation as young as I am can't stay alone, especially after mom left. I have no one. No one at all who cares about me. Dad's gone. Mom's gone. What about me? Do they even care? I think I like the Hanson family. Taylor is really understanding, and Zac and Isaac make me laugh. They like it that I act normal. Mackenzie is really cute!!! And Jessica and Avery are sweet. Zoe, well, she's really cute and she sleeps all the time. I love holding her! This family is really kind and also very religious. In a weird way, I'm glad this happened. No one is depressed. Hanson doesn't have a concert for a while, but tomorrow they promise to take me to a recording studio. Oh, yeah, they let me skip school today!!! And tomorrow! Well, until Friday. But I really miss mom!! She has been here since my birth, and, now she's dumped me. Everything right now is a mess. The Hansons are nice, but I feel like such a stranger. I wish I could call one of those snobs, like Jaylen or Jenna! Maybe I will, and tell them what a wonderful time I'm having here with Hanson!!! :-P
Why is Hanson so nice? They don't care what I wear!!!! Or anything!! They treat me like a normal person! Which I like. I'm glad this hotel allows pets, because I miss Daria and Adrian! Tomorrow we'll pick them up, and I can't wait to hug them! Maybe I'll get some new clothes!
Don't tell anyone, but I have a crush on Taylor. : )

~*~next entry~*~
