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March 14, 10:57 p.m.

Okay, wow.....what a great night. Sure. Well, I went on my walk after all, and, Mr. Jordan Taylor Hanson called me from the back yard and yelled,"Hey, hope ya used spin fresh and air freshener in there!"
Everyone snickered helplessly. Never had I been so humiliated in my life. I had always respected Taylor, but I can't believe he'd say something so insensitive. I wish that Diana and/or Walker was out there when it happened. But I can't live my life as a little girl anymore. I turn 14 on May 2nd. On my walk I ended up walking for miles, or....should I say.....hours. It felt good to let off steam. But, then I ran into Isaac and Callie, and Isaac had a concerned look on his face about me since I was so far off. It felt have someone love you in a concerned brotherly or sisterly love. He asked,"Why are you way out here? Are you okay?" his forhead wrinkling worriedly as he said it. I said, "Yeah, just needed some time." He nodded his head understandingly. "Well, see ya at home. If you aren't back by 10, I'll go out looking, and call the PO-leez....hehehe.....doc-TORE Hun-SUN!" Callie and I giggled. Well, I walked to the "Blue Rose Cafe," and glanced at my watch and it read, 9:50! I about freaked because I didn't have enough money for a cab, besides, you can't take cabs to the Hanson headquarters, according to security guards. HOPE ISAAC WASN'T PANICKING!!! It would take me forever to reach my destination! So, I ran as fast as I could "home." Taylor and Rachel were on the front porch, so, I automatically avoided them and dodged around to the back door. I figured Taylor told Isaac about the "incident" and that he wouldn't worry. Anyway, Taylor goes "I just don't understand her." NO ONE DOES!!!!!!! Anyway, Rachel scurried away as soon as I got to their living room, and Taylor walked in. Zac and Mackenzie were both asleep on the couch.
Taylor tried to block my path to the upstairs, but, since I was really good at avoiding picks in basketball, I easily "dribbled" around this one, he followed me to :my room" and slammed the door in his face. That's all that's happened tonight. And I'm too tired to write more. Night.
~*~*~guys if you are offended about Taylor at this point in time, sorry! I know that he wouldn't do something so bad. I added it to make it interesting! Thanks for your co-oppration!!!~*~*~

~*~next entry~*~
