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March 15, 1998

Hi! Well, today was another busy one. First I awoke to the annoying ringing of a phone, and I was the first one to answer it. It was Rachel! She asked for Taylor, but I said he was out rollerblading, though he was watching TV downstairs. "Gee, Rachel, I'm sorry you missed him! You must be devastated," I said in a sarcastic manner. Just to my luck, Taylor picked up the phone and said, "uh, hello?" Oops, I thought!!! Then I hung up. I sprang up and pulled some cut-offs and a lime tank top out of the dresser. I slept in my swimsuit the night before, so I thought I'd just go swimming
so Taylor wouldn't cross paths with me. I slipped on some sandals and scurried hurriedly down the stairs. Diana was in the kitchen. Uh-oh. That meant the "Oh, hi, you want some breakfast?" speech. And I was right. I said, "Oh, no thanks, I'll pass, not hungry now," and ran out the door. Whoa, almost got caught there! Taylor was walking out the front door and heading to the back yard, but it was too late to turn around, so I ran past him as fast as I could. "You could at least talk to me for what you did to Rachel," he said. Okay, that blew up my limits....hey...a girl's gotta lose her temper sometime! "What I did to RACHEL??? Huh? What about the air freshener thing? I thought I liked this place, but you totally ignore me, and Ike has Callie, and Zac has his friends. You used to be my one priority, but you've fallen head over heels for Rachel!!! I have no one! I hate!" Then I stormed off. Man, as I look back, that felt GOOD! But I think I offended him. Oh, well. Yay rah sisboom bah. At the pool I made a friend, Amber!! Yesss!!! Someone. She was a pretty, popular, nice girl, who wasn't afraid to be around me. She didn't even leave my side! We are good friends, and I'm going to meet her at the pool again tomorrow. She wanted my phone number, but I said I wasn't allowed to give it out, and she understood. I got "home" at 5:30, supper to be served at 6:00. I sat and watched TV with Zac....well, we played Nintendo 64. He was really understanding, and we've become closer. He understood my situation.....he didn't care....he just....liked me. So, now I have Zac, Isaac, AND Amber! At the supper table, they taught me to sing, "Amen." It was beautiful. They said my voice was good. ; ) But Taylor never showed, Diana said for Zac to go get him. He went up to their room, but Taylor wasn't there! We looked all around the house, but no sign of him! Isaac called Rachel and Callie, but they hadn't seen him either. This was when I regretted what I said to him. So much that I ran out and went for another "little walk." Walker and Diana tried to stay calm for the kids' sake. Isaac was going to drive around and look for Taylor. After what Taylor had done to me, I didn't really care what would happen. I walked past the "Blue Rose Cafe" to a little park. And, what do you know....Taylor was sitting on a tree in the park, trying to avoid contact with anyone.
I went over and talked to him. He told me something that he thought I would want to hear, that the reason Rachel called this morning was because she wanted to break ANY kind of relationship she might have with Taylor, for she was getting too attached. Her parents didn't want her to be good friends with a rock star. So, no communication would be allowed. Inside I felt a little guilty-but not that much. Still there was pleasure. Immediately, I called Walker and Diana after Taylor's "good news" to tell them that he was okay and that he'd walk home. "I'm sorry I said that. I guess I was just trying to impress Rachel," Taylor said, ashamed, after I hung up the phone. "Yeah, well, you did a pretty good job of making me feel unwelcome," I said bitterly. "And, that 'I hate you' was nice, too," Taylor said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Thanks, I thought so myself," I took to his sarcastic compliment. "Look, why were you so jealous of Rachel and me?" "I just wanted a friend to myself. But I've found one. I'm getting cold, so I'm turning back. I'd prefer to go by myself. But, you're coming back, aren't you?" "Yeah, I'm just going to think a bit," he replied. Now I feel bad that I was so rude. We still haven't resolved anything. Tomorrow I'll talk to him. E-mail author with comments please!!!

~*~next entry~*~
