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Mar. 16

9:45 a.m.
I don't feel very good today. I think I might have a fever. Oh, well. I haven't gotten up yet today, maybe someone will come up and check on me. Man, it's hot in here!! I feel like I'm gonna barf. But there's no restroom in this room. I'm too weak to get up and go....ya know. Uh-oh!!! Diana just told Taylor to come up and get me. I'll put this thing away.
Okay, he's gone. Well, not for long. He just came up and cracked the door and said,"Get up," with absolutely no enthusiasm. I said,"Hey, help me here. I'm gonna barf." He was like,ewww, no, but he helped me to the restroom anyway. And there came out my guts. It's so cold in here! Uh-oh, sounds like flu symtoms. But Taylor just left me there, stranded, hurling over the comode. What a friend. Sure, whatever. I think he went to watch TV. Hopefully he told Diana. Oh, no ! I've got the urge again. B4N!!
10:47 a.m.
Luckily someone heard me that time. Luckily it was Diana. Luckily I'm happily seated on the couch with a trash bag. Luckily luckily luckily.....The whole Hanson family had to go to a meeting with the manager. So I'm all alone writing this. It looks like I'm going to be sick for a while, so I won't be able to write for a little bit. See ya!

~*~next entry~*~
