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Mar. 20

2:00 p.m. Sorry I haven't written, but but it wasn't until yesterday that I started to recover from my illness. Taylor and I have finally resolved our problems. Yesterday he came up to my room to talk to me. We discussed our feelings and decided we were meant to be friends, but that's all. Boy am I glad that happened. I never realized what it meant to have him until that moment. I never realized what it meant to have family until I had the experience with the Hansons. Oh...okay...before I go into all that I'll tell about my day. I called Amber up this morning and apologized to her because I hadn't met her at the pool a few days prior. I told her that I'd meet her at the pool at 12:30. Then, of course, it had to start storming. It was a severe storm as a matter of fact. I hate them!!! So, I waited until it was over and walked home. Amber called her parents, and they picked her up. She offered me a ride, and insisted that she give me a ride home, but, I said, I'll just wait. I waited and hour, when they wouldn't let me stand there any longer, so I was forced to walk home. Anyway, I made it and that's all that matters. Oh, Diana's calling me. I better go!!!
(The following in Italics is the conversation that they had, not the journal entry)
"Carmeleta," Diana called,"Come down here please. We need to talk to you." The whole Hanson family was gathered in the living room. "What about?" Carm asked. "Carmeleta," Walker repeated,"the social services just called. They found a-" "I'm a dinosaur!!!"little Mackie interrupted. "They found a foster home for you to go to," Diana continued. ""Carmeleta chanted in disbelief. "We'd really like to keep you, but we aren't eligible of it. You will be placed in the home next Wednesday." "" Carmeleta continued. "But mommy, who will play Barbies with us?" little Avery asked. "Avey, that's not important right now," Taylor scolded. "Tay-tor tot not like me?" "No, it's not like that Ave. Just, we're in a serious situation." "Anyway, Carm, I'm sure you'll be happy there, too!! We'll really miss you!" "NOOOO!!!!! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND??? YOU GUYS ARE THE CLOSEST I'VE EVER HAD TO A REAL FAMILY!!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME???"Carmeleta ran out of the room as fast as she could.

~*~next entry~*~
