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Mar. 20

10:41 a.m. I can't believe what happened yesterday!!! I'm not going to go whatever anyone says!! Because, I have to prevent it. I have a plan. have all I need. The pills are beside me and the bag in my other hand.... rest of entry in story form
My heart beat so fast. I thought I would die right then and there. I got a glass of water, and counted 30 Aspirin pills and started to swallow them one by one......1,2,3,4.......7,8,9,10,11........should I do it?....17,18,19.....oh, no, coming close........26,27,28....29....30. There. I slipped the plastic bag over my head. Life wasn't meant for me, I wasn't meant for..."CARMELETA!!!! Hello!!! Can you hear me??? Am I getting through to you??" Zac screamed. "Tay, come here!!!! Get!!!" "Carm!!!!" Taylor screamed when he, Diana, and Walker rushed to the bedside. "Zac, call 911 and get an Ambulance," Walker instructed. "Mom and I will carry her to the sofa." "Carm, how could you do this?" Taylor asked. "I'll stay with you forever. Just, just, don't leave us Carm...."Taylor stuttered as he fought back tears. "Dear Lord," he prayed, "please let Carm be okay. Amen." Red and blue lights flashed and frightened the young kids. As Taylor intently peered out the window, he thought about their arguments prior to the past two days. He thought about all their fun times, and strengthening times. I hope Carm's alright. I love her.

~*~next entry~*~
