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*S*T*E*P*H*'S* *T*R*I*B*U*T*E* *T*O* *F*R*I*E*N*D*S*

Hey there, everyone!!!! This page is a tribute to my good and best friends. O.K., we'll start out with my Internet friends.
To Kasey, for being my FIRST net friend and a best net friend and a great person to share a page with.
To Haley, for being a best friend, and a "well experienced" person to share a page with.
To Brittany, for being a great penpal and best friend on the net who writes LOONG letters and a person to talk about Hanson with.
To Felicia, for being a best friend, we have a special friendship.
To Raia, for being a best friend and a person to tell my problems to & talk about Hanson and BSB!
To Katie, for always being funny and hyper and a best friend.
Now my real life friends!
To Caitlyn, *Cait* for being a best friend, oh look, a lamb! (it's a humor thing of ours) Anyway, for always talking about Hanson, and hauling ALL about 10 books about them to each class.
To Allison, *Alli* for being hyper and a best friend. Can't wait till the fair!!! It'll be fun!! Remember K.K. & Paul riding rides? *lol*
To Katie, for always being there, and, oh, always remember our karate moves!
To Rebecca *Becca*, for being fun, always remember our peach cobbler and 'Becc 'n' Steph' with 'Applechoc.' Abby even took a drink!! Must have been good!
To Brittany, for being a great friend, especially to laugh with, and, remember Fifi. Seen him lately?
To Abby, for being my first friend when I went to church and I was new about three years ago. Thanks!
To Megan R., who's a really nice girl and you're a good friend.
To Katie from Virginia< Anyway, we were great friends at the Merle Fest in South Carolina. Wherever you are, we didn't go this year! Hope to see you in the years following!!! Katie, from Virginia, if you're out there, please e-mail me Thanks!
To Meghan H., for being there to laugh with, at camp, especially!! Maybe I'll see ya there again this year! To Megan, we met at camp, and I said you were just like Rebecca. You two looked alike, talked alike, and acted alike! Anyway, Becca moved back, but I still don't know your home address, anyway, we were best friends at camp! If you ever read this, e-mail me, too!!!

Go home!
