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You are probably wondering why we have just suddenly, completely changed our page around. Well, Steph and I were pretty steamed up because of Haley's entry in the guestbook. Really, I mean go look at it for yourself if you don't see why we're mad. What she did was down right rude. Plus, she was staring to take over way too much of the page. Which made us even madder because it was OUR page in the first place. Well, I'd describe more, but it really doesn't need to be described more. You get the picture. If you want to know more, e-mail me. My address is at the bottom of the page. Thanks.

My Favorite Links

Go Home!
Hanson's Online home! *note* take THAT, ms. haley!
My other page-please visit it!
Room 209 Online! -my class's page. Visit it, please!!
