The Walt Disney Story
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Goodbye to Walt

At 72 years old, Roy was talking about retiring. But Walt talked him out of it. He had great plans that he needed his brother’s help for.

Walt and Lilly celebrated their 41st a anniversary in June with Diane and Ron, Sharon and Bob, and 7 grandchildren aboard a huge yacht that cruised the islands near Vancouver, Canada.

At a press conference, Walt was asked what his favorite ride was. His answer was about pirates and ships and treasure. The journalists had no idea what he was talking about because “Pirates of the Caribbean” was not yet opened. Walt’s favorite attraction was always the next one!

On Wednesday, November 2, Walt’s doctor took an x-ray and found he had lung cancer. The surgery was scheduled for Monday, November 7th. The doctors removed Walt’s left lung and told Lillian, Diane and Sharon that Walt had from 6 months to 2 years to live. When Walt was discharged from the hospital on November 21, he went across the street to the studio. Even though he was thin and weak, he continued through his day as if it were a normal day. He told everyone that he was alright.

Walt spent less time in the studio and more time home with his family. He told Ron Miller that he was going to concentrate on the parks and building EPCOT. On November 30, 1966, Walt returned to the hospital. Ron Miller spent much time by his side. They discussed the studio and plans for EPCOT.

At 9:35 a.m. on December 15, Walt Disney died.

To return to any of these pages:

  The Life of Walt Disney

  The History of Mickey Mouse

  The Maiden Voyage of the Disney Wonder

  Some great Disney sights

  The list of Mickey's works