My Poetry Page

Okay this is a collection of my poetry that I have written.I realize most of these are pretty morbid, but I was not doing very good at the time so *shrugs*. I hope you enjoy them...
Several Hours
Several Hours Of Insanity,
Several Hours of profanity,
Several hours of quiet,
Several hours of riot,
Several hours on the street,
Several hours in a seat,
Several hours of ills,
Several hours of thrills,
Several hours of being bored,
Several hours we have endured,
Several hours without rest,
These past Several hours were a test.
Broken Dreams
Welcome to my Broken dreams,
A special Hope ripped at the seams,
My heart is dead again,
The emptiness is my best friend.
All I wanted was some love care and understanding,
I Gave you it all on a sliver platter,
I wasn't demanding,
But it did not matter,
You left me for another,
My life is terrible so why bother?
I have wasted my love on you,
I have wasted my time,
It's a waste even all we've been through,
I have even asted paper with this rhyme.
Passion is a fire that burns,
Passion is a feeling that yearns,
Passion has rhythym it has rhyme,
Passion grows stronger in time.
Passion is music that needs dancing feet,
Passion is a feeling that makes your heart beat,
Passion is loud listen to its sounds,
Passion is the reason the heart pounds.
Passion is a blazing fire,
Passion is the heart's singing choir,
Passion is the lock and the key,
Passion is so nice,
Passion is pure paradise,
Passion is all that I see.
I'm a raging inferno,
I'm a tower of flame,
I'm ragin and I feel no Blame,
Turning red,
Feeling dead,
Life is slipping away,
Wish everything, everything was okay.
Flames torchin up my fingers,
My charred remains lingers,
Turning blacker than black,
Crumbling to dust on my back,
Life is slipping away,
and I'm wishing everything will be okay.
Flame burning on the side of my face,
Burning away without a trace,
I'm in the air,
I just don't care,
I'm ceasin to exist,
And I'm really pissed,
Life is slippin away,
And I'm wishing everything will be okay.
The Wedding Vow
On this day our souls are bound,
Like lightning was to thunder,
And even though it makes no sound,
Our love shakes the world asunder.
And with this token of undying love,
Given from one to another,
A promise of two turtle doves,
That i will love no other.
With all these feelings of forever bliss,
Being apart is now done,
I seal our bond with a kiss,
As our souls become one.
On The Street
I'm on the street again,
Feels like I lost a friend,
I'm feeling so alone,
Calling you on a pay phone,
I get no answer but I don't hang up,
I feel like an empty cup.
I'm so tired and cold,
It's raining here and I'm feeling old,
I'm wastin away,
Cuz you refuse to stay,
Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust,
I do these things cuz i must,
It's pouring so bad I'm going to Drown,
And I am soaked to the bone,
Can't stop from feeling down,
But yet I still hang on this phone.
By The Phone
I am sitting by the Phone,
And I am so alone,
Looking at my window pane,
Watching the pouring rain,
Wishing you were here with me,
and making love by the sea.
You're a part of me and I'm a part of you,
Love you much and that is true,
Holding your arms so tight,
Making love all through the night.
I'll give you such a passionate kiss,
It is you that I miss.
My Memory
As I sit amongst the willow trees,
I open My Mind's eye and it sees,
All the memories from way back when,
Things seemed so good so way back then,
I sit there and Reminisce,
It's like a lover's tender swet kiss,
Wanting it to never end,
The memory became my own dear friend,
But like most things the memory fades,
From the sunlight and into the shades,
Like a lover that continues to yearn,
I humbly await for my memory's hopeful return,
I sit and think hard and long,
But every time it comes out wrong,
It is jumbled and void,
The memory is distorted and completely destroyed,
Will it ever come back again?
I ask as i wiggle my toes,
But it's clear to me no one really knows,
If it does; I won't know where or when,
But I really miss my memory,
My own dear friend.
An Outcast
Walking through the broken glass of pain,
Fighting really hard to keep myself sane,
Feeling like my soul just died,
All because a loved one just lied,
Searching always for truth,
Wondering why someone was so uncouth,
Wondering when they would say,
That they betray.
Feeling like a walking time bomb about to go off,
Exploding at everyone if they even cough,
Wondering how long the lie would last,
Been Black balled forever for I am an outcast.
Wasted all my time for you,
Don't know what to do,
So Damn bored and I don't care,
Feeling like I'm not even there,
Come on baby do your math,
Lie to me and I'll become a psychopath,
Feels better that way,
Makes it easier to pass the day,
Will the pain never end??
Will my soul ever mend???
I'm not sure.
Maybe this is what my life is for.
The Letter
As I write this letter,
I'm glad things got better,
Than what they were.
And even all we've been through,
All we share and do,
We are still together,
Hopefully forever.
As the days get longer,
My feelings for you grew stronger,
In the middle of the night,
I wish i was there,
To hold you tight.
We are sperated by many Miles,
Yet in my dreams,
By the gentle streams,
I can see your smile.
Without you I might as well be dead,
For life I surely would dread,
I can not show you this yet,
Not until we have first actually met,
And even though I can not show you this,
All i can do is give you a kiss.
You know as well as I it ain't enough,
But until you feel as strongly as this,
My heart shall be a little tough.
The Shadowed Lands
Come! walk in the shadowed lands with me,
It's not so bad just wait and see,
Sometimes it feels so good,
Come on! I think you should.
Here in the Shadowed lands,
Dwells the fiercest hired hands,
Murderers, cheaters, and thieves,
Some well dressed,
Some with ripped sleaves,
Some are bad,
Others are the best,
Together they form lethal bands,
That destroy and burn the very sands,
Burning Blacker than black,
The villains begin their terrifying attack,
Welcome to the Shadowed Lands.
Here in the Shadowed lands,
People are evil to the core,
Raisning demons from some ancient lore,
No one knowing what's in store,
Waiting, waiting, waiting until,
The demon makes them his next kill,
And the people chant no more.
Mortally wounded the people can no longer stand,
Welcome all to the Shadowed land.
Here in the shadowed Lands,
With dead Fire brands,
The people begin to bleed,
With envy, jealousy, and greed,
Taking all the green,
Taking the things we need,
taking the bread in which we feed,
The poor are looking much more lean,
Blame peole that are stingy and mean!
It won't do you any good,
they don't care about boys in the hood,
They won't get blood on their hands,
Not while they live and breed,
Down here in the Shadowed lands.
So Come! walk the Shadowed lands with me,
It's not so bad just wait and see,
Then you'll start to curse,
It's not so bad here.
It's much, much worse.
I'm laying my life down for you,
I know I shouldn't but I want to,
Voices are Screaming in My mind,
Muddling my perceptions making me blind,
I hurt you once, I've hurt you twice,
I think I'm a dunce, and don't think I'm very nice,
I feel so bad I'm gonna bust,
I can't believe I broke your trust,
I am nothing more than a stupid fool,
Doing anything to make myself cool,
Now i sit alone on a cold, cold floor,
Searching for something more,
Got to Fix my faults,
Open myself completely and open my vaults,
I can't do this by myself, No not alone,
I need the warmth of your love,
So I'm not cold to the Bone,
It should be enough.
There will always be a place in my heart for you,
Even after all we've been put through,
Even though we're not together and Drifting apart,
I'll never let You out of my heart.
In a boat without an oar,
Trying desperately to fight the current and reach the shore,
I get closer and closer to the falls,
No one helps me despite my desperate calls,
Wishing someone would throw me a line,
So I could pull myself out,
But no one hears me shout,
No one will help this soul of mine,
Help me now I'm sinkin and I'm going to drown,
Can't keep myself up and I'm gettin really down,
Pick me out of the cold water,
I feel like a cow that's going to slaughter,
Forever I am doomed,
Like a piece of dirt swept up by a broom,
Someday I'll find that special girl,
Until then I carry this black pearl,
Symbolic of what all truly dread,
A heart that no longer beats for it is dead.
Father Time
Father Time you great old man,
With a long white beard,
And an hourglass in your hand,
Though some say you are good and have lots of brains,
Making us forget our sorrows and our pains,
I see you as a man to be feared,
Holding that sickle you sort of leered,
I will wait til you sleep,
And I won't make a peep,
As I cut off that long white beard.
Father Time you wizened old man,
with a shortened white beard,
and in a weakened hand,
A sharp shiny sickle,
Making life halt to a trickle,
Perhaps you've forgotten who I am already,
I'm the one who likes Life to be more steady,
I hate that constant fast and slow,
For this reason I'll deal you a mighty blow,
My, My Father Time, You seem to be in a Pickle,
Not only have I cut your beard,
But now I have destroyed your sickle.
Father Time, you dying old man,
with a short white beard,
And a broken sickle and an hourglass in your hand,
You throw the sands ofTime too quickly about,
And now I'm going to kick your @ss,
OOps! I seemed to have broken your hourglass,
Don't start to cry,
Don't start to pout,
Everything has a reason why.
Father Time, you dead old man,
I seemed to have misunderstand,
I have dealt you a blow,
And broke your sickle in two,
I have kicked your @ss,
And broke the hourglass,
And I have cut your beard,
But now i am to be feared,
I thought all this would end this constant rhyme,
Now I am Father Time,
Some little punk wants me dead,
I am sorry about the damage I caused,
But even I, Father Time, Don't get a pause,
I might as well go to bed,
Nothing else will end this fear of dread,
My beard, my sand, my sickle, my hourglass,
All will be gone,
It seems I am just a pawn,
And Time Itself is an @ss.
What is Life?
What is life to me,
When I feel so blind I can't see,
Looking for someone to share my life,
Through the depression, aggression, pain and strife,
Through the Good times and the bad,
Through the happy times and the sad,
Feeling forever behind the black ball,
Asking if anyone cares at all,
I get no answer and I'm so alone,
Sitting round the house by an unplugged phone,
Hoping against reality someone will call,
Plug my phone back in,
I'm starving myself thin,
I've lost my mind,
Because my brain was blind,
I should have seen it coming a mile away,
I didn't pay attention and the piper has to pay,
Shouting from the highest point,
Shouting all my sadness,Anger and fear,
If I were a druggy I've smoked my second to last joint,
If I were a drunk I've drunk my second to last beer,
All because of one little lie,
Makes me so sad I can't cry,
I'm jumpin round like a friggin kangaroo,
I'm gonna jump until I have somethin to do,
An orange is how I feel,
Ripped open and being used,
Taken advantage of and being abused,
Then thrown away with nothing left but the peel.
Land Of a Thousand Lies
In the Land Of a thousand Lies,
I will watch out for you babe,
In the Land of a thousand lies,
I'll be your slave,
Do what you want to do,
I'm lookin out for you,
Do what you have to do,
I'll still love you.
Cry if you want to cry,
I'll not even try,
Cry if you have to cry,
Even when you don't know why,
Feel what you want to feel,
As long as it's real,
Feel what you have to feel,
My heart you'll steal,
But when you're feeling high,
And you don't know why,
Just reach out and cry,
I'll be there no lie.
Hear what you want to hear,
There's nothing to fear,
Hear what you have to hear,
And give a cheer.
Smell what you want to smell,
What the hell,
Smell what you have to smell,
Just do not tell,
Taste what you want to taste,
Just hope it's not laced,
Taste what you have to taste,
While I'm still chaste,
See what you want to see,
What will be will be,
See what you have to see,
If you love me,
But in the Land of a thousand lies,
I'll watch (you) you'll see,
In the land of a thousand lies,
My heart is your key.
Believe what you want to believe,
If you want to feel relief,
And believe what you have to believe,
Just do not leave (me).
Don't beleive in the Golden Dream,
It's not what it seems,
Stay away from Milk and Honey dreams,
In reality they're Broken dreams.
So take my advice,
I won't say this twice,
That in the Land of a thousand lies,
Look with your heart and soul,
And not with your eyes,
And then you will see,
That in the Land Of a Thousand lies,
You can only believe me.
Wasting All My Time For You
Don't know what I'm gonna do,
I'm sittin here by the phone,
Been sittin here for so damn long,
Sittin here all alone,
Now listen to my song.
I'm wastin all my time,
I'm wastin all my time.
I've been wastin all my life,
Suffering through pain and strife,
Waiting for you to call,
Without you I feel small,
I've been sittin here on my @ss,
On the lawn with dark green grass,
Wondering what to do,
Do you know what I've been through?
Waiting here for you?
I'm wasting all my time for you,
Don't know what I'm gonna do,
I'm sittin here by the phone,
Been sittin here for so damn long,
Sittin here all alone,
Now listen to my song.
I'm wastin all my time,
wastin all my time- for you.
I've been sittin on my chair,
Wishing you'd be there,
Without you I don't care,
I wonder what to do,
All i can say is I love you,
Are you blind? Can't you see?
I'll Lose My mind,
If you say you love me.
I'm wasting all my time for you,
Don't know what I'm gonna do,
I'm sittin here by the phone,
Been sittin here for so damn long,
Sittin here all alone,
Now listen to my song.
I'm wastin all my time,
wastin all my time- for you.
If you hate me- then shoot me dead,
My heart feel like tons of lead,
You drive me insane,
With you around I feel no pain,
Help me now I'm sinkin and I'm drownin,
Can't help it but I'm frownin,
Save me now before it's too late,
I'm doomed to love you and that's my fate.
I'm wasting all my time for you,
Don't know what I'm gonna do,
I'm sittin here by the phone,
Been sittin here for so damn long,
Sittin here all alone,
Now listen to my song.
I'm wastin all my time,
wastin all my time- for you.
I've been wastin all my Time at night,
Crying for you and it blocks my sight,
I hope tomorrow I'll be alright,
The pain hurts me so so bad,
Not having you makes me sad,
I guess bad luck is all I've had.
Because I've been wastin all my time,
Are you listening to my rhyme?
I'm wastin all my time,
You've put me through sh*t,
It hurts so bad I can't stand it,
I'm starting to go mad,
All because you've made me sad.
Why don't you love me?
I'm not bad,
Don't you see?
Are you blind?
It's all your fault-you're to blame,
You're the one who said things will never be the same,
Things were better before you came.
I'm wasting all my time for you,
Don't know what I'm gonna do,
I'm sittin here by the phone,
Been sittin here for so damn long,
Sittin here all alone,
Now listen to my song.
I'm wastin all my time,
wastin all my time- for you.
I've wasted all my time on you,
I know now what I have to do,
I'm puttin myself under lock and key,
Do what you want just stay away from me,
I still love you with all my soul,
But I'm not a fool,
I'm getting out of my conscious snore,
And I'll waste Time on you no more.
I'm wasted all my time on you,
Don't know what I'm gonna do,
I was sittin here by the phone,
Was sittin here for so damn long,
Sittin here all alone,
Now listen to my song.
I'm wasted all my time,
Wasted all my Time- on you.
Infatuation- Love of the Worst Kind
I didn't know you when you first walked through the door,
I was feeling pretty bad; pretty sore,
You walked into my life and my head hit the floor,
Your beauty has struck me blind,
I swore I lost my mind,
Your love for me is what I seek,
And I think I'll just take a peek,
But I see nothing of the kind.
I've got this crazy feeling in my head,
I'm so depressed my feet are lead,
I loved you then like I love you now,
How 'bout givin me some love right now.
My heart melted the day you walked through the door,
You were carrying your books and your hand held something more,
I looked to see you hlding another hand,
That which belonged to a man,
I didn't care if his name was Billy, Marty, or Dan,
I looked at you with sadness in my eyes,
I wanted to scream, shout, announce with cries,
But nothing I said,
My Blood runs cold, and my heart is dead.
Though I never said anything to you,
I still feel that I need something to do,
I never said "I love you"; that was implied,
What can I say now that my soul has died?
You left me cold inside and that's a fact,
Was it something I did or something I lacked?
The Pain increases with each great stride,
I wish there was someone with who I could confide,
My heart still pounds with every glance at you I take,
But your gone from my life now,
It's like a dream which i can't wake,
You were the milk with my cookies,
The icing on my cake,
What can I do now,
Should I still tell you even though I don't know how?
If I told you how I felt,
Would your heart melt?
Would you love me back,
Or would you rip out my heart, And give it to me in a brown paper sack?
I am afraid to tell you how I feel,
I would do anything for you,
Lie, cheat, or steal,
But it makes no difference,
I am the part of the fruit always thrown away,
For I madam, am the peel.
If I tried to win your love what would you say?
Would you be impressed,
Or would you send me away?
My fate lies in your hands,
I will honor you and do as you command,
If you'll just say you love me,
My soul can live and I will be free.
I love your eyes when you smile,
It's like looking at the River Nile,
Lovely, beautiful, and great,
It makes me yearn to be your mate,
Or at least want to take you out on a date,
When I see your hair,
I would like to sit down in a chair,
And view you with a loving stare,
When I see your body swerve to and fro,
As you walk,
You remind me of a doe,
With grace and beauty so fine,
Oh how I wish I could make you mine.
So i will ask you one last time,
Will you breal my chains of depression,
And end this rhyme,
Or will you reject me as though I were a piece of slime?


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