Poems (cont.)

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These are some more poems by me.

Broken bridge
Through the mountains and past the ridge,
There stands an old forgotten Broken bridge,
Once a marvel in it's time,
Now broken,filthy,and covered in slime,
Once made of the strongest of wood,
Now rotten,decaying, far from good,
Who will stand with me on this Broken bridge?
It's just past the mountains and over the ridge,
No one will come because they don't care,
People don't believe it's even there.
I lived near the broken bridge,
that was through the mountains and passed the ridge,
I called it my sevret lair,
An enchanted place that i will not share,
Below the Broken bridge is the River of Despair,
Where I've thrown all my broken hopes and dreams,
If you listen hard enough, you might just hear there screams.
Sitting there on the Broken bridge,
That's through the mountains and passed the ridge,
Was a clever old man,
He was the man that time forgot,
He was looking up at the sky,
And then I asked him why?
He spoke for a moment as if in shock,
"What! Why are you trying to mock?",
"It was you who broke the bridge,
that was through the mountains and passed the ridge,
You destroyed it with your broken hopes and dreams,
It shattered with your violent screams,
Now it's just rotten wood,
When this place used to be wholesome and good,
Because of your pains- ropes broke from their knots,
And Now the bridge and I rot,
Wasting away 'til we're no more,
Then falling down on the River's shore."
And then the broken bridge,
that was through the mountains and over the ridge,
All of a sudden collapsed,
The man and bridge went down,
My face began to frown,
The man and bridge died,
It's the truth and I haven't lied,
I began to play taps.
Then all of a sudden in the middle of the night,
I woke up sweating and in a fright,
I then realized he was right,
He reminded me of a dad,
He was saying things really weren't that bad,
That I shouldn't be so sad.
The Bridge was really my soul,
Broken, Rotten, and not completely whole,
To mend the bridge I must make peace,
And then the rotting will forever cease,
The damage will go in reverse,
Rather than become more perverse.
Time is what I need,
My soul healed within days, indeed!
And despite all this forgotten lore,
The broken bridge,
That was through the mountains and over the ridge,
Was Broken no more.
You are my Reason
The only thing that keeps me alive day after day,
Is your promise that you love me and that you won't go away,
For this you have made me more than glad,
You've cheered me up when times were bad,
If ever to you I should lie,
I want you to stab me in the heart that I should die,
And if everything in this world should prove to be false,
One thing shall forever hold true,
No matter how hard your loss,
I shall always love you.
This is my bond, This is my pact,
It's not opinion it's plain fact,
You're all I care about, you're all that matters,
Without you I'll scream and shout,
Without you I'd be much much sadder,
Without you Iall I have is pain and strife,
Without you I have no life,
You are the reason I'm still alive,
You are the reason I strive,
You are the reason why I will succeed,
You are the reason why I cannot bleed,
And no matter how much we laugh and cry,
My love for you will stay strong and never die.
Sing the song of a million voices,
From these we make our choices,
Sing the song of insanity,
After that curse profanity,
Sit alone in the cold, in your chair,
It's all the same to you, you don't care,
Sing it all with lots of breath,
'til it drives you to your death,
fit a glove over your hand,
as you walk amongst the shadowed land.
Sit in your room all alone,
waiting by and by on the phone,
No one calls you by your name,
No one likes you and you're to blame,
Look out your window with lots of pain,
As you take notice of the rain,
With each new death gather the souls,
It all adds up on the tolls,
walk amongst the damned and see,
That deep down inside they're just like me,
Do I care? Do i really Care?
NO i don't and I won't.
Because I am a sick little fool,
That's all I am, Just evil to the bone,
Nothing special, Nothing cool.
I Miss You
I'm runnin under the sun,
I was havin fun,
Then you went away,
You wouldn't stay,
Oh how I miss you,
And all the things you do,
I'm sad when you're not around,
It's like I'm six feet underground,
I feel very cold,
like a piece of fool's gold,
Not worth a dime,
takin up space, wasting time,
I'm in a nightmare that I can't wake,
As I see my heart break,
I try to pick up the pieces and move on,
But I realize they're as good as gone,
I try to put them back together in hopes they might mend,
To dust they turn,
My soul it yearns,
As I pray for my life to end,
I'm missing you way too much,
I feel like the lame without a crutch,
I am blind and can not see,
Everything burns inside of me,
I am the always caught thief,
I am the one with everyone's grief,
Ashamed of everything I do,
All because I miss you.
I am
I am the tree about to be chopped down.
I am the helpless victim about to drown,
I am the honest one who's just lied,
I am the victim contemplating suicide,
I am the one who refuses to cry,
I am the one that wishes to die,
I am the young one that's frail,
I am the bard without a tale,
I am the one who just lost breath,
I am the stargazer who lost the sun and moon,
I am the comicbook writer who can't draw the cartoon,
I am the drunk whose had too much beer,
I am the brave one who just discovered fear,
I am the patient that feels all the pain,
I am the crazyman that's really sane,
I am the beggar that is blind,
I am the scholar with no mind,
I am the pervert without his porn,
I am a musician without his horn,
I am the juror without a choice,
I am the singer without a voice,
I am the wind that refuses to blow,
I am the street lamp that cannot glow,
I am the elephant that can forget,
I am the gambler who loses every bet,
I am the Yin without the Yang,
I am the firewrok without the bang,
I am the evil without the good,
I am the grocery store without the food,
I am the husband without a wife,
I am the death without the life,
I am the sportsman that refuses to try,
I am the river that is always dry,
I am the psychic with no sixth sense,
I am the cattle herder without a fence,
I am the old without the new,
I am the beef missing from the stew,
I am the loser without the winner,
I am the fatter without the thinner,
I am the king without a queen,
I am the kind without the mean,
I am the xray without the armor of lead,
I am the relief without the dread,
I am the work without the fun,
I am the all, I am the none!
Unwritten Truths
There is a letter inside this head,
that is left unwritten,
Unable to write from constant dread,
Like a snake charmer that's just been bitten.
Slowly a tortured heart beats,
As the poison sets in,
Numbing us all from head to feet,
Yet the Unwritten is still sin.
Overwrought with grief and guilt,
You wring your hands,
Temple of truth you have built,
With nothing more than lying wet sand.
Life you mimic,
Monkey see Monkey do,
Always with a gimic,
Forever fals and never true.
Write the letter,
Come clean as the Liar,
Do it for the better,
Wood you're in the fire.
Blackened and burned,
Ashes to dust,
How quickly it all turned,
When overwhelming lies break unbreakable trust.
Dead and Buried/u>
There was a lock on my door,
Nothing valuable so What's it for?
Keeping Others out While keeping me in,
Don't know where I am; Don't know where I been,
There is no memory in this mind,
Past present, and future is all blind.
Drowning in a River of tears,
Drink from the fountain of forgotten years,
As you try to remember it all again,
Even your mind isn't a friend,
Wishing somehow to turn back the clock,
Even with the right key I can't open the lock.
They Nailed me shut in this little room,
Dropped me six feet under,
In what they call a tomb,
But they all made a terrible blunder,
Buried me at quarter after five,
How could they not know I was still alive?
No matter how hard I pounded and kicked,
I screamed aloud but (they) said their ears played tricks,
Dropped me six feet and laid dirty over me pretty thick.
Tired I am and I've given up,
All hope drained away from a hole in the cup,
Now I lay here holding my breath,
Trying to prolong my life; escape from death,
My death coach has finally arrived,
making me an offer I can't refuse,
I finally realize it's no use,
Dead and Buried alive.
Email: Pockets824@aol.com