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Maps are a way of transferring a round earth onto a flat surface.

There are many kinds of map PROJECTIONS. (Do you remember making a projection in sixth grade with a flashlight and soda bottle?)

Many kinds of maps show earth's features. Here are some examples:


Clouds / weather

Road maps

Plate boundaries

World Rivers

You should know about latitude, longitude, direction.    N  
  W   E
You should also know about SYMBOLS (pictures that show features) such as towns, airports, hospitals,etc.

Know about SCALE (for example: 1cm = 1km)

Watch carefully while I remind you about TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS.Knowing about contour lines and their purpose is very important.

(Contour lines connect points of equal elevation)

(Contour lines which are close together show a steep elevation.)

(Contour lines that are far apart show a gradual or gentle slope.)

(The Contour interval is the distance between the lines.)

(Hachures show a depression.)