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*Double-space all entries.
*Use hanging indent paragraph style (align the first line with the left margin, and indent all subsequent lines
      three spaces from the left margin).
*Type all authors’ names with the last name first, separated by a comma.
*Use italics or underlines for the titles of books and periodicals.
* Do not underline or use quotation marks around the titles of periodical articles.
* Give the full names of publishers, excluding “Co.,” “Inc.,” and the like.
* Use the abbreviation “p.” or “pp.” before page numbers in books, magazines, and newspapers,
       but not for scholarly journals.
* Separate each portion of each bibliography entry with a period followed by two spaces.

A book with one author
Josephson, M.  (1959).  Edison: A Biography.  New York: McGraw-Hill Book.

A book with two or more authors
Cole, B. & Gealt, A.  (1989).  Art of The Western World: From Ancient Greece to Post-Modernism.  New York:
    Summit Books.

World Wide Web
Author.  Title of Item.  Available http://address/filename, date of document or download.
DiStefana, Vince.  Guidelines for better writing.  Available http://www.usa.  net/ vinced /
     home.html, January 1, 2000.

Computer software
Microsoft Works for Windows 95 (1995).  [Computer program].  Redmond, WA: Microsoft.

Information from an electronic encyclopedia
“Name of article”.   Name of company and encyclopedia.  Copyright date and name of  corporation.
“Panda”,  Microsoft Encarta.  (1994)  Microsoft Corporation.

A signed article in a reference book
Author’s last name, first name.  “Name of the article”. Name of the encyclopedia,  underlined.
     Place of publication:  Publisher, Copyright, date.
Tobias, Richard.  “Pandas”.  World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book Inc.,  1994.
“Pandas”.  World Book Encyclopedia.  Chicago: World Book, Inc, 1994.

A signed article in a magazine
Beardsley, T. (1994).  For Whom the Bell Curve Really Tolls. Scientific American, January 1995, Volume 272,
     Number 1,  pp. 14-17.

A signed article in a daily newspaper
Moore, M.  (1994, December 27).  Speculation Irks Flores. Journal American, Section D, p. 1.
An unsigned article
What Vietnam Did to Us.  (1981, December 14).  Newsweek, pp. 46-97.

A film or videotape
Hand, D. (Supervising Director) and Disney, W. (Producer). (1937). Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
      [Videotape]. Burbank, CA: The Walt Disney Company.

Television or radio program
“The Health Care Question.”  Frontline. ABC. WBKB, Chicago. March 21, 1996.

Personal Interview
Powell, Colin.  Personal interview. January 4, 1996.