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The bible reveals to us that God has many attributes. These include:

God also is depicted as having several roles. These include:

But the most significant revelation concerning God is that God is involved with humankind. God interacts with humankind. God cares about who we are and what we do.

In the Old Testament of the bible we read that God called Abraham from the Chaldees and directed him to travel to a distant land and foreign place.

In the New Testament we read that God visited Mary of Nazareth and told her that she was going to have a divine conception and a holy birth.

Later we read that God was in Christ, (Jesus) reconciling the world of humankind to Himself.

In the book of Acts we read that today, God comes in the form of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, we read in the book of Revelation that God has appointed a day within Time upon which Jesus will return as judge of the living and the dead.

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