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Grace is God's Attitude Toward Us

The Bible Reveals God's Heart. It is a gracious heart. The heart of our Father.

God as creator
Created us for success.
His desire is that we achieve success.
Therefore, God blesses us with His grace.
It is a attitude of good will

toward us.

Martin Luther
defines Grace as being
God's unfailing goodwill toward us
without any merit or favor in me
deserving of such goodwill.

this is a wonderful insight and
encourages us in our daily life.
Because we wonder, as we think each day
if there is anyone beyond ourselves who knows and cares about us.
Does anyone beyonds ourselves care about what we say and do?

The teaching about God's gracious attitude toward us

The titles , "Son of God" and "Son of Mary"

Are indicators of God's grace.

As "Son of God" Jesus comes to be WITH us
As "Son of Mary" Jesus comes as one OF us

Why is this Good?

Jesus knows what it is like to be human
Therefore God knows what it is like to be human
When we pray, God can understand our prayer
because God understands Jesus

And Jesus is one of us.

The teaching about Jesus that tells us all about it is called the INCARNATION

My Favorite Web sites

Holy Ghost
Son of God