

1. Pool and pool yard. Above ground pool, with brick and grass inside chain link fencing.

2. The shed. Doors are open, or closed, depending on who is puttering around the yard during the match. If it goes in there, ugh. It's a mess.

3. The thick brush. This area is elevated, and surrounded by a brick ledge. The lower level is not fun to get your ball out of.

4. An up stairway into the next yard. We really have not found a way to factor this section in...yet.
THE OTHER 4...(oops)That's the deck, off of the house. No way to get under the deck, except for stair area, that faces the pool off the back side.

5. The concrete patio. Littered with 3 tables, numerous chairs and umbrellas. Also, note the cherry tree just off of the patio, and the two concrete "flower-things" at the corners of the patio.

6. Well, duh...the house.

7. An extrordinarily uneven brick patio. Wickets are often set up here, and man is it a bitch. Along the left side, near the house are the garbage cans, and along the right is a mock-wood shed. Serves as a great "gateway" from front to back yard. Note the brick area above and on the left. That is a one step down entrance to the garage. ALWAYS is open, and if you wind up in there....yikes.

8. The right and left sides are flanked by bushes. A scrubby brushy area, with a slate walkway boardering it is on the right side. A good place for the pin, or a wicket. Is negotiable, but really not fun in the rain. The left side of the fairgrounds is a heavy bush area, lined with 4 inches of curved concrete as a boarder. You can get in relatively easily, but getting out is just a mother*f-er.

9. A large tree in the front yard, with an un-even, circular brick border. A very nice wrinkle to that portion of the front yard....if you hit brick or tree, you could be in the street, and that would suck.

10. The driveway. If you are there, you're in trouble. Slight decline runs you into the street. Curb is about 6 inches, so unless you chip it, you gotta get down into the street anyway, to get back to the lawn...a definate killer.

11. The front yard area, left of the driveway, is JUST getting phased in. It is near impossible to get through the gate into the back on the LEFT side of the house. Root structure, along with an uneven walkway makes it near impassable. The green square is a small tree, with a wood curb boxing it in...nice for bank shots. Right side is hard to enter the gate, but not impossible. Gate that separates backyard from the front is a solid wood fence.

We will try to update our other playing arena, the Senate Road Fairgrounds soon, so come back often!