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Abigail's Page

Here is our little Abigail! Abigail was born on November 4th, 2003. She's my little doodle and we all love her dearly! She eats and sleeps well, 95% of the time she either quietly observes the world or is laughing/giggling/baby talking at anyone and everyone. She's absolutely wonderful... or maybe I'm biased. *Smile*

Here's Abigail with her mommy and daddy at Thanksgiving 2003. A little over 3 weeks old.

Propped up on cousin Ange's knees and still a little drowsy from a nap. March 2004

Sitting with Dwayne and wondering why I keep taking her picture! March 2004

The start of a great big smile and a good look at those gorgeous large blue eyes! She also has quite the grip with both hands holding mine! March 2004

I couldn't resist getting a picture of her in this hat! I love it! She may not love it when she's old enough to care but for now, those staring eyes are just full of wonder! Wondering why she's in that hat, I'm sure!! *LOL* March 2004

Take Me Home!
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