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Poems Inspired By Communication or Lack Thereof

"Speak To Me"
your voice is the light
in my long dark tunnel of life
I never wanted it before
now I long for it
words aren’t enough
more is needed to satiate my hunger
my lust
my want
my need
for the voice that never speaks

Never called
Never got an answer
Always “I don’t know”
Always made up an excuse
Never go out together
Always talk for hours
Always accepted it
Never saw her again
Never gave an excuse
Never explained why
Always felt guilty
Always wanted to apologize
Never did

"Is It Over?"

passion existing
flame extinguished

love lost?
or just moving on

happiness around the corner?
or farther down the road

heart broken?
or able to be mended

a way to feel better?
or true friendship inside

love existing
passion extinguished

"Unformed Relationship"

i cried
but was there reason?

he listened
but did he hear?

we talked
but wasn’t there silence?

i questioned
but was there an answer?

he explained
but was it understood?

we parted
but were we ever together?

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