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Fun In The Snow

These are pictures from a day out in the snow, January 2004! My mom, Dwayne, and myself all trekked over to our neighbors yard and Mom and Dwayne "snowboarded" (it has a handle and you just stand on it, your feet don't click into clamps) down Septic Hill. We call it Septic Hill because when our neighbors bought the house from its previous owner they had to make a very large sand mound over the septic system for regulation purposes. The yard used to be flat but now this huge hill is right on the side of their driveway.. a little bit of an eye sore, but a great hill to sled down!!

Here's Dwayne trekking up the hill to await his turn.

Mom showing us how it's done!

It got colder, she rebundled and showed us again!

Look Ma! No Hands!!

Bottom of the hill, better jump before you fall!

Even showed her skill down the other side of the hill!

You go.. No, you go.. No, really, you go!

Even Mom took a spill one time (our house is in the background).

And had to trek back up the hill.

So Dwayne got some pointers and went..

And was doing pretty good!

Until the bottom.. then went KERSPLAT!

Another KERSPLAT by Dwayne! That's what we call an action shot! *LOL*

And that was our fun day playing in the snow!

Oh, and a note.. Dwayne didn't fall the very first ride, Mom and he were both pretty good even for Dwayne's first time, he tried a different path and it didn't agree with him and head over tea kettle he went! And boy was it funny! *LOL*

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