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By:  Stormy Knight©1999
Best viewed at 800x600 32bit color setting

A Spirit Wind blows and seeks two hearts,
To join together and never to part,
Becoming one flesh, one spirit, and one mind,
Walking hand in hand through evelasting time.
They're no longer singular, for the joining is done....
They have begun the journey of
the spirit of "ONE"

She'll be his warmth when the winter is cold,
image loadingimage loading He'll be her comfort when they begin to grow old,
The moon is her foot stool, The sun is his throne...
Together through eternity...they'll never walk alone,
In harmony forever with their kindred spirits they'll run....
This is the way it's meant to be with

the spirit of "ONE".

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Great Spirit embraces, blesses and cares....
They lack for nothing, they have no want, no despairs.
He lives to love her ,to cherish, and adore....
She'd give her own life so that his spirit may soar,
Their life's web will continue forever to be spun,
forever together as the spirit of "ONE".

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Bonded by love, each willing to give their own life,
"Till death do they part..." forever husband and wife.
Their love for each other has now been multiplied,
Sharing their spirit of "One" with the child that
grows inside.
Now there are three souls, a new journey begun...
Increasing the power of the spirit of "ONE".

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Thank you to the artists
B. Hampton and D. Gordon for the use of some of their beautiful artwork on this page

photoI'd really love to hear from you!!


Please know that I am NOT a "Shaman", "Medicine Woman", or "Spiritualist"... I am simply a writer, native in heritage but nothing more than an "artist" expressing myself with words and images. Hopefully to inspire, rouse, and generate positive thoughts, emotions and reactions. I pray no offense to anyone else's heritage, belief system, or culture... especially my Native American brothers and sisters. ART, whether it is created with words or images is always open for intepretation.

