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The 12 Demandments of Softball


1.Thou shalt always arrive at least 15 minutes early (or notify some-one if you can't)-- penalty, 6-pack.
2.Thou shalt NEVER arrive to a game drunk or hung-over!!-- penalty, ** 24 pack of BEER!! (non-negotiable)
3.Thou shalt always HIT THE CUT OFF MAN!! -- penalty, 3 beers.
4.Thou shalt always BACK SOMEBODY UP!! --penalty, 3 beers.
5.Thou shalt never let a ground ball roll to the outfield fence!-- penalty, 6 pack.
6.Thou shalt at all cost. Keep the force play on!!-- penalty, 6 pack.
7.Thou shalt never make the first or last out at third base -- penalty, 6 pack.
8.Thou shalt never pop up to an infielder -- penalty, 6-pack.
9.Thou shalt never watch a 3rd strike -- penalty, 12 pack.
10.Thou shalt never leave a runner stranded at 3rd.-- penalty, 1 beer.
11.Thou shalt never hit a third strike foul.-- penalty, 6 pack.
12.Thou shalt always drink a beverage of your choice, in the parking lot, with the team, after the game!! (This does not mean that I am buying!!)
There shall be a committee of x number of people to access all penalties. When a player reaches 24 beers he shall furnish a case of beer the next scheduled game. The brand of beer furnished shall be approved by the team. Except for breach of demandment #2. (see below)
** Arriving at the ball park either hung-over or drunk will result in you immediately going to get a 24 pack of BEER and ice while the rest of the team is playing!!)