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My Greenland Page!

Why wold anyone like Greenland anyway?

Greenland is a big, cold country that is owned by Denmark. The Vinkings first came here here, and named it Greenland, because they wanted people to think it was warm and green. It turned out...Greenland was just the opposite of that. It's neghboring island, Iceland, was the warm and green country. Iceland is not nessicarily warm, but it is green. Greenland is the largest island in the entire world! It is even bigger then the continent of Australia. Greenland is a very pretty country, with large glaciers and some amazing waterfalls. Greenland's population is about 55,000 people. Yankee Stadium could fit the whole population of this gigantic country! Greenland is also unique, because it is one of the few places on land that at certain points of the year, they have midnight sun! Yes thats right, sun during 12 midinight! I ahve provided some pretty pictures of Greenland for u. Midnight sun