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Its the Wonderful World Of Disney

Well, everyone wanted to know when, or if, pictures taken from Florida would ever be up. Guess what folks? The word on the street is true: these are the pix, so read them and weep, because I know most of you will be weeping.

Here is the modern day version of "Three's Company": me, Ann and Alex. No, Alex is not drunk.
These are a bunch you wouldnt ever wanna meet in a dark alley
See these people here? One person, who shall remain nameless, really wants to fuck the shit out of all of them.
Here's Bill, Andy and Carol. Nice shot, if only Andy would look at the camera.
Apparently the tryouts for the Backstreet Boys took place at our condo.
Gorgeous! Just absolutely friggin' gorgeous! Oh, and Marcy looks good too.
Why is Traci so happy? Because she knows she's the only one who wasnt drunk.
Apparently there was a case of a Menage-a-trois. Unfortunately, I was asleep during it.
This is what I think is a very nice shot. Photographically speaking, of course. Its just a nice shot.
Me and Brenda, during a rare sober moment. Well, for her anyway.
Brenda again, after washing all those men right out of her hair.
Alex and David: the new Wham!
Holy Toads! Its....only Ben
Have you seen these people? They were last seen on a milk carton
Traci, Andy, Marcy and David, in the first meeting of Disney-aholics Anonymous

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Where we've all been known to carouse naked thru the streets of Orlando
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