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Boy Oh Boy.......................What a FANTASTIC Weekend!! We (most of the reunion committe) were a little nervous heading into the reunion weekend. The Friday night gathering came together at the last minute. We sent out almost 100 emails and 165 postcards only the week before announcing the get-together at The Fareway's. We called The Fareway's and told them we were expecting 25-30 people TOTAL for a "couple" of hours,but you guys proved us wrong!! The "Ice Breaker" was to start at 7:30PM, so Patti Scott, Frank Wesighan and I got there at 7:15PM to go over some last minute things with the restaurant. Our classmates and alumni started arriving at 7:30PM (actually some were there a little before)and continued to do so through out the evening. It seemed like every time the door to the place flew open, another totally unexpected classmate was there! You could hear people whispering as they stared toward the door; "Look there's so& so!" or "Who's that??". The 30 people that we had told The Fareway's were coming turned into about 60, including spouses, guests, boy/girlfriends, etc. Almost everyone that was there said that they would be back the next night at Romanelli's!
It was GREAT to see: Patti Bellanger, Steve Clayton (in the running for most changed?), Craig Collins, Karen Cranmer, Tammy DeFranco, Michelle Dumas, Sue Filling, Tracy Fulton (probably travelled the furthest - TEXAS), Lorraine Grasso, Eric Hanggeli, Susan Hartwell, Kathy Hewitt, Jeanne Higgins (and her husband, Fred Steinman AHS 75), Jeffrey Hughes, Lou Ireland, Diann Iuduca, Mark Levin, Rick Krack, Debbie Lake, Lura McFatridge, Risa Mohn (who somehow has found the secret of anti-aging, despite 3 children in college at the same time), Tom Newkirk (Mr. Warmth), Mark Ohnemuller, Sal Palermo, Vanessa Quarles, Danny Rollins, Patti Scott, Corinne Sheeran, John Stewart, Katy Stoto, Bill Thomas, Tammy Truax and Frank Wesighan. Additionally, there were alumni from other classes - Sam Giacconda (75), Doug Collins (75), Michael Thompson (77). I'm sorry, because I've named as many names as possible, but I know I've missed people. If you were there and I neglected to mention you, email me and I'll include you!! The couple of hours that we had warned The Fareway's about turned into 2:00AM as the place closed and a couple of us adjourned to the parking lot to see if Mickey Wilkes was still awake down in Florida. He wasn't!! Whoops!! He did talk for a few minutes, but hung up with threats (which turned out to be idle ones) and calling everyone that he thought was involved at 6:00AM that morning. (SEE RICK KRACK'S message below, in NEW MESSAGES!) I remember saying to my wife, Carol on the ride home that I thought that there was no way the actual reunion could be as good as the "Ice Breaker and would probably be anti-climactic. WRONG AGAIN!!
For Still Pictures look in the "Featured Links" section on the right of the page for "Pictures from the 30th Reunion Pre-Get Together.
As with the "Ice Breaker" Get-Together, we were anxious about who would be showing up. The amount of pre-registered people was somewhat lower than we had anticipated. People were obviously not intimidated by the increased price at the door! I also felt (and still feel) that some people missed out because they were watching the "List of Confirmed Attendees" on this site and opted not to come because they didn't think there were enough people on the list. Anyway, as with Friday night at The Fareway's, every time someone came up on the porch to register it was a pleasant suprise. As I said above, almost everyone from Friday was there - maybe only three or four people on the list could not make it back for Saturday.
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If you were at the reunion, please post your comments in the messages section. Did you take digital pictures............please send them as jpg or gif file attachment(s) to and I'll get them on line "shortly". Thanks to all for a GREAT night and making all the effort to was put into planning the weekend worthwhile!
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
A BIG, BIG THANK YOU to Patti Scott, Lura McFatride (my kindergarten girlfriend), Jeff Hughes and Corinne Sheeran for ALL your hard work that goes on behind the scenes, while I suck up the credit. You guys are the BEST!!