Real Name: Alexa Huller
Aliases:Toots, Tootie, Allie
Generation X^2 of: Babbles and Wild Thing
Occupation: Driving her parents crazy.
Maritial Status: Single
Date Of Birth: August 14, 2003
Birth Place: Illinois
Base of Operations: O’Fallon, Illinois
Height: Tiny
Weight: 7lbs 4oz
Most Common Activity: Screaming at all hours of the day and night.
Known Super Human Powers: Waking Mommy and Daddy out of a dead sleep.
Favorte Color: Haven’t gotten the grasp of “colors” yet.
Favorite Food: Right now, what ever is coming out of the bottle.
Favorite Movie of all time: What ever is amuzing me at this point, to include Mommy and Daddy making silly faces at me.
When people are not looking, I like to: Scream at the top of my lungs to get their attention.