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Real Name: Michael James Pino Jr.
Idiot Number: 12
Sponsored By: Reaper
Member Since: 2000
B.A.M.F. of: Weirdness
Occupation: Photo Specialist
Maritial Status: single
Date Of Birth: January 19, 1980
Birth Place: Voorhees, NJ
Base of Operations: Newfield, NJ
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown
Most Common Activity: roller bladeing
Known Super Human Powers: Playing with peoples minds

Other Super Human Powers: able to make people laugh at me for hours on end

Most Memorable Quote: Life is to short and do as many things as u can.

Song Most Like This Person: "The Kind of Fool Love Makes" by Kenny Rogers
Favorte Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Movie (recent): Scary Movie
Favorite Movie of all time: American Pie
When people are not looking, I like to: just bum it with a book

Last Good Movie I Saw was: Shang Hai Noon
Last Good Book I Read was: "The Last Valentine" by James M Pratt
What I want People to really know about me: is that majorly trust worthy and a good listener.

Any one who spends more than 5 minutes with Cuervo can understand why he passed J.A.F.I. initiation. When spending time with the group, he turns up the comedic notch up 10 levels past whatever Thumper, Fuzzy, and Highlander puts out. With a Robin Williams like flair, he get’s everyone’s attention, making you either laugh, or wanting to pelt him with a beer can.*s*

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