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Real Name: John R. Brown III
Idiot Number: 6
Sponsored by: Head Idiot
Member Since: 1993
B.A.M.F. of: History
Occupation: CAD Manager at The Gibson Tarquini Group.
Maritial Status: dating
Date Of Birth: June 23, 1975
Birth Place: Marlton, New Jersey
Base of Operations: Sicklerville, NJ
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 180
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Most Common Activity: Work and Watching Racing.
Known Super Human Powers: Memorize everything I learn especially movies
Other Super Human Powers: Absorbing mass quanities of knowledge.
Most Memorable Quote: "Just do what you got to do"
Song Most Like This Person: Anything and everything
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Movie (recent): “Lord Of The Ring – Return Of The King”
Favorite Movie of all time: “Animal House”
When people are not looking, I like to: Do nothing. (Which is what he usually does!*lol*).
Last Good Movie I Saw was: X-Men (Seen it twice)
Last Good Book I Read was: I don’t read
What I want People to really know about me is: That I am a pretty nice guy ‘till you piss me off. All I want to do is get through life, do as little as possible and leach off decent hard working people like Frank Grimes.

Fuzzy was introduced into the group originally for one reason: He was 17 with the face of a 21 year old, which meant he could get us alcohol when we were all under age. We soon learned that he had much more to offer the group other than acquiring mass quantities of alcohol as his wild flights of idioticy over whelmed us all. A talented designer, Fuzzy plans to help Thumper build Benchwarmers, South Jersey's only interactive sports bar.

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