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Real Name: Robert A. Brelle (don't worry about what the A. stands for)
BAMF of: Immortality
Occupation: Manager of Movie Theatre
Marital Status: Kinda Sorta
Date of Birth: 3rd hour of the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the year 1976.
Base of Operations: Atco, NJ
Height: 5'7"
Weight: I'll let you know after the diet
Eyes: Hazel blue/green. Sometimes Grey.
Hair: Yes. Brown
Most common activity: Thinking of ways to piss people off.
Known Super Human Powers: The ability to retaliate with a wisecrack before you even finish what you are saying.
Other Super Human Powers: Can solve all of life's problems in 5 words or less. If looks could kill, well mine can. Immune to hangovers.
Most memorable Quote: "Because I'm Bob."
Song most like this person: "Bat Out of Hell" Meatloaf (Fuzzy knows what I mean)
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Cornbeef
Favorite Movie (Recent): Mystic River
Favorite movie all time: Shawshank Redemption
When people aren't looking I like to: The same thing I do when they are looking.
Last good movie I saw: Since I get paid to watch movies it's hard to say.
Last good book I read: The Bible (It was hilarious)
What I want people to know about me: If I make fun of you It's because I like you. Though there are exceptions to that rule (Do I really need to name names? Clifford. Oops did I say that?) Through the years I've learned that you can't please every one so fuck them, I'll please no one. My friends are my family and my family is my life. Though I may go months, in some cases years, without seeing my friends I think of them often and you are all in my heart every day (First and last time I get sentilmentle). Some say that I'm a self proclaimed God and that is true. However,it is my belief that we are all masters of our on destiny and that makes each and everyone of us Gods in our own right. That is the true definition of Brelleism. If there is one true piece of advice that I can give to anyone it's this, "Don't ever take anything or anyone for granted. Because you'll never know how important that one thing or that one person is until you don't have it anymore." It's never to late to make the most of each and every day.

Highlander is more than an immortal. He's a self proclaimed god. His ability to make miracles pop out of thin air would make Christ himself think of converting to "Bob-ism". He earned the name of the famed immortal on his knowledge of the subject, but soon proved the he knew of even more things eternal. A computer genius, Highlander can "resurrect" any mainframe from the dead while giving you insight on anything thing from Star Wars to PlayStation to the Y2K.

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