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Real Name: Leslye Brown
Idiot Number: 11
Sponsored By: Fuzzy
Member Since: 2000
B.A.M.F. of: Comedy
Occupation: Stockperson
Maritial Status: Single
Date Of Birth: August 8, 1982
Birth Place: Marlton, New Jersey
Base of Operations: Sicklerville, NJ
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 117
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde & Brown
Most Common Activity: making people laugh, watching TV and movies
Known Super Human Powers: I know my ABC's and my 123's

Other Super Human Powers: None that I know of.

Most Memorable Quote: "John, you suck."
Song Most Like This Person: "enter Sandman" by Metallica
Favorte Color: Purple, blue, and black
Favorite Food: Chicken Cheese Steak
Favorite Movie (recent): Bride of Chucky
Favorite Movie of all time: Empire Records
When people are not looking, I like to: throw things at them and laugh.

Last Good Movie I Saw was the Cell
Last Good Book I Read was: TV Guide
What I want People to really know about me is: That I can make people laugh.

Being a supporting member of B.A.M.F. since 1997, Lizzard has been influential in helping them in many campaigns, to include web research and camera girl, err, excuse me, "Camera Person."*lol* Her ability to have fun and make us laugh has been detrimental to the group, and the ability to put up with her brother, Fuzzy, for all these years has more than enough shown her feats of strength.

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