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Grim Reaper

Real Name: Edward W. Grimmie
Idiot Number: 2
Sponsored By: Thumper
Member Since: 1992
B.A.M.F. of: Total Chaos
Occupation: Works at Shop Rite
Maritial Status: Married to Beast
Date Of Birth: May 18, 1973
Birth Place: Camden, New Jersey
Base of Operations: Sicklerville, N.J.
Height: 5’8”
Weight: over 200 lbs.
Eyes: Light Brown / Hazel
Hair: Black
Most Common Activity: Working
Known Super Human Powers: Sarcasm
Other Super Human Powers: Being a halfway decent Dungeon Master.
Most Memorable Quote: “I’m like a bad dream..I keep coming back again, and again, and again....!!”
Song Most Like This Person: Crazy Train by Ozzy Ozborne
Favorte Color: Red and Black
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Movie (recent): 13th Warrior
Favorite Movie of all time: Any Godzilla(except the American version)
When people are not looking, I like to: Make fun of them.
Last Good Movie I Saw was: Drgon Slayer
Last Good Book I Read was: Godzilla Vs The Robot Monster
What I want People to really know about me is: That I don’t really worry about anything and I love all my BAMF brothers and sisters.

After surviving the dismemberment of Chaos Inc, Reaper took the last 2 members, Head Idiot and Thumper, and formed B.A.M.F. - Bad Ass Mother F@#$%^s. Together, the 3 reformed mayhem and anarchy with Reaper at the wheel, doing what they want, when they want, and how they wanted to do it. Although the group has settled down a tad, when we all get together, the merriment is abundant as Reaper sets the pace. His "smash skulls first and ask questions later" attitude is what earned him the name of death as he is the chief enforcer of the group. No matter what, Reaper always backs his fellow B.A.M.F.'s play and always is the one to count on to cover your back.

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Comming Attractions At Corona!
CNN / Sports Illustrated!
Comedy Central! *It's Hella - Cool!*
The Pork!