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WWF Judgement Day!!!!

By Thumper

In May 2000, Reaper and I won tickets to go see WWF Judgement Day at the Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. Free airfare, free hotel, free tickets right by ring side… all courtesy of 93.3 WMMR and the WWF. We end up taking 12 rolls of film on the whole trip, but, uhh…. Only these prints came out well enough to be put on the web.*lol* Click on the link for a larger version of the pic!

Thumper in front of their rental car, a 2000 Mitsubishi Gallant GT…. SWEEET!!! Reaper in front of Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky. If you're not down with B.A.M.F., I got 2 words for ya!!! Thumper holding up the Judgement Day Promotional T-shirt. Reaper got to keep it. We met a lot of the wrestlers personally at the hotel the WWF put us up in. This is Val Venus. We saw him after the show.. And here's one of Scotty Too Hottie. Thumper met him as he was getting off the elevator. He looks totally different with his hair down.*lol* Ken Shamrock on his way to the hotel bar. Thumper was totally in shock when he met Prince Albert,. Nice guy, really, but dude, the man is huge!!! Hell, Thumper looks like a Smurf next to him! "Hey Albert! I can kick your ass!!!" Scotty again, signing autographs in the hotel bar. First off, whatever you think Edge and Christian are like in the ring, believe me, they're exactly the same outta the ring. Total pricks. Edge was a total jerk to every fan that came by him. Reaper's dream pic. He actually got to meet Trish Stratus. Thumper actually had to pry this pic away from his hands before Reapers got it all sticky.*lmao* From the days of our youth, we actually got to meet the Brittish Bull Dog. Announcer Jim Ross. Reaper actually spotted him walking into our hotle while we were on our way driving tthrought the parking lot, playing the music from WWF Vol.4!! And the show begins!!! This is Vince MacMahon doing his usual, "You Fans suck!" bit to get us all rilled up before the show started. Edge, christian, and Curt Angle before they're match with the Scottie Too Hottie and Grand Master Sexay. The same idiots again, only this time making fun of rednecks in Kentucky. Scottie laying the Worm down on Edge. Scottie's and Grand Masters' Firework entrance into the ring. Mommasita!! Chyna makes her way around the ring. Benoit vs. Jerhico As much as I hate these guys, Dx does come in with a good entrance. Tripple H and Stephanie talkin smack as usual before his bout with the Rock. IF YOU CAN SMMMMMMEEEEEEEEELLLL WHAT THE ROCK….. IS COOKIN!! The Rock and Tripple H beating the crap outta each other with Shawn Michaels as guest referee. 'Cuse me? Can I borrow this table?

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