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El Bravo

long ago in a simpler time when pirates role the sea there lived a brave and righteous man who fought to keep man free

he fought to keep man free

He fell in love with maiden fair a girl with emerald eyes then one day pirates stole ashore and took her as their prize

the girl with emerald eyes

they dragged her screaming to their ship

they introduced her to the whip

they drank and swore and made her party to their sins

and there our tell begins

Somewhere he waits somewhere out there and soon he'll run to me and save the day for what you've done to me he'll make you pay somewhere he waits scoundrels beware

Out of the blue he'll appear, El Bravo soon you will tremble in fear, El Bravo friend of the weak and the poor and the meek El Bravo, El Bravo

Pirates! have your way with her!

Do what you will cowards and swine attack and bully me and crack your whips no cry in agony will pass my lips my heart is his his strength is mine

Where is the man I adore, El Bravo (Ḍnde està mi amor)

El Bravo

friend of the weak and the poor and the meek and the chained and the pained and the soon to be dead and the sad and the sick darling, quick it's the nick of time El Bravo,El Bravo, El Bravo

Where can your lover boy be, El Bravo maybe he stopped for some tea, El Bravo maybe he's drunk or perhaps he's depressed or he's ill or he's dead or he's still getting dressed El Bravo,El Bravo, El Bravo

El Bravo

Maiden, do not be afraid, El Bravo free her or die by the blade, El Bravo friend of the weak and the poor and the meek and the chained and the pained and the soon to be dead and the sad and the sick and he's just in the nick of time El Bravo,El Bravo, El Bravo.El Bravo

My heart is his his strength was mine gone is the man I adore El Bravo
