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The Emotion Of Music

I think that music is a very emotional experience. One of the things I discovered, I get lots of letters, a lot of people write me letters thanking me for the music that I’ve made and although it’s very grateful for that. It never really hit me as hard as when I was down. And I listen to a song that made me fell better. And then I understood what could be happening with my music and I was so grateful to be able to do that, it made my responsibility even, and my committment to my music and my fans, even stronger then ever. I think that a negative story and a lyric can probably for the possitive, I mean the classic is “Stormy Weather” keeps raining all the time and the singer just and the writer doesn’t get any better, but when you listen to it, your heart goes out and you can relate to felling that bad and that’s about it and that’s a positive thing because you can relate and sometimes songs that make you relate to a sad situation open a dam of emotion and what you needed to do, you needed to let it out and that song or that play or that movie was the catalyst that allowed you to vent and let go of your emotions and so that’s good, that’s a positive aspect to a kind of negative story. I guess I drew the line when sometimes when I hear on the radio, you know, heavy doctor gangster rapper telling our young children to go out and kill somebody, I think I have to draw the line there. Even so, I would never censor that kind of thing. I thing free expression is free expression and we’re still able to not buy that record, nobody’s forcing anybody to buy it. But I think as a artist, I would draw the line at that. I would probably sing my anger, I probably write my anger but I don’t think I would advise anybody to do anything. I would just say, try to keep it in, from my point of view and what I would like to do and that’s about it. I think that’s where music should draw the line, that’s only my opinion, I would never censor anybody else from doing that, but I think all music and all art is such an emotional and so subjective issue that positive, negative, yet as long as they’re connecting emotionally; I’m all for it. I think that the most offensive in any art is boring. I think I would probably cencer boring. I think boring or blan or something, no one is saying anything, is probably the most offensive to me.