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If I Wasn't A Musician, I'd Be.....

I think if I couldn’t be a musician, I would have been a writer of some sort. I definitely would not have worked on a beer truck, though because that’s what I did first. My stepfather worked at a brewery in Brooklyn and for the summer I used to work delivering beer on the beer truck and oh I was horrible, I was the worst, I was just the worst I was just so clumsy and awkward, and stupid, I would leave the doors of the truck open so all the bottles would fall out when the truck took off. I would go down sellers and get attacked by rabbit dogs. I would be so slow because I was so skinny and frail that I could only handle one little beer keg at a time. And, of course, the guy I was working with always handled like 13 of them and then there was old me, little old me huffing and puffing, huffing with my one little case of beer. Oh, it was a terrible job! They all hated me, I hated them and I’m glad I got out of that. I definitely would not have been able to been a good waiter, which I always tried I was a coffee boy and a waiter for a while. Oh, I was the worst waiter! I spilled everything! Not only on the floors and on the tables, but on the people! I used to burn people with pouring coffee all over their legs. Oh, I was horrible at that! So I know I wasn’t good at that and then I worked at a advertising agency. I wasn’t too bad at that, but I just didn’t really have the caracole thing down. Just didn’t like being tied to a desk and working 9 to 5 for a boss who’s moods I had to be aware of. That didn’t work, either. When I did get to CBS, though and I was working at CBS, even though I still was working that 9 to 5 shift and doing administration work. I used to get out and play the piano in the rehearsal hall. So that was kind of fun. So I was able to do that and then I looked into a couple of offers as a piano player and I was off and running. But had I not made it in the world of music, I probably would have tried writing. I do love writing. I’ve kept a journal for many years. And I really just love the process of writing. I get as lost in that type of writing as I do in the music, so that’s probably what I would have done.