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Staying Centered

My career is a very exciting place to be. My musical career and my performing career and this life of mine that I live is a very exciting place to be. It usually starts off creatively, stimulating witch I’m very grateful for since the well has not run dry yet and then that turns into something very exciting as its begins to flower and bloom and blossom and be actually becomes real and that becomes more exciting and it becomes, then it becomes stressful and then it becomes tens and then sometimes it actually becomes chaotic in the beginning when that happens in the early days in the ‘70s when, when that explosion happen I didn’t know how to handle it. It got out of hand. It went into chaos and exploded from there. And I found myself in the middle of vortex of energy. That was on one hand tremendously exciting, like a fairy tale like a dream, and on the other hand very stressful and like a nightmare and I found myself being battered back and forth between the dream and the nightmare and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. I found that in order to center myself, it was people, my dear ones who enabled me to come back home and from then on in, even though my life has approached chaos, it never got there. Again, it never went back there. I surrounded myself with people who really aren’t in the business. Most of my family and friends are not in the business and I surrounded myself with people whose interest really had nothing to do with the music world. Although they are supportive, and encouraging, and delighted with the work that I do, it isn’t their work, it isn’t their world and so what grounds me and what centers me is dealing with my life, surrounded by these type of people whose interest are not the same as mine. So I guessed the way I think of myself is surrounding myself with friends and things that have nothing to do with my work. When things get out of hand, I meditate. I meditate daily. I read lots of books on subjects, like meditation and I get lots of information from those books that help me, too, to center myself daily in the middle of the exciting and fantastic life that I lead.