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Song Writing

People ask me about song writing so often but I find it such a individual experience. Paul McCartney will tell you one thing and Sting will tell you another and I will tell you another too. And every song that I write is a whole different experience, some times I’ll discuss the topic with my collaborator, my lyrists weather its Bruce or Marty or Adreine or Nick Anderson or any of these wonderfully talented people. We talk about what it is we want to write, and then we go to our corners and they come up with a title, or I come up with the lead line or some times I come up with the whole melody and they come up with the whole lyric, every single song is always a different experience. The experience of writing Harmony with Bruce has been a very profound one, as I’ve mention But it’s also been a really fanatic experience writing the score, sometimes Bruce comes up with some brilliant lyrics that I just put melodies too and some time I come up with the melody that I’m so real happy with and he puts lyrics to ‘em .Sometimes we do it together in the same room, but no matter what happens we always have to have a point of view before we begin. Its very rear that I just sit down and play, I always have to know what I’m trying to do before I write a melody, samething with most of my lyrists you just don’t pick them out of the air I find, just a few times I very, very rarely I picked them out of there air and they land but not often .Usually I fell much better when I know what I want to write, what I want to say. The tone of the melody, the tone of the felling of the song ,weather it’s a smoky jazzy thing for a Paradise Café, or a swing thing for Swing Street, or beautiful ballet or a pop ballet for the radio , I have to know what I want to do before I sit down to do it