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The Biz

I think that the music business has definitely changed since the ‘70s. I think everybody will agree to that. I think for the better, too. I’m all for growth in a way, every time we all grow, there are those who take it to the negative, and those who take it to the positive. The positive aspect of where it’s gone is all these wonderful computers and machines that have enabled us musicians to find different sounds and different grooves, and different delicious sounding, make delicious sounding records and when you add to that the talent of Baby Face or a David Foster, well then you get the most unbelievable beautiful sounding records with these grooves and sounds underneath them that sound like they’ve come from heaven. I think the down side of something like that is that we’re losing songs, we’re making great sounding records, but we’re kind of losing songs? I mean David Foster and Baby Face are writing good songs as well, but a lot of other records I hear on the radio or buying CDs are great grooves, they sound great, but when you strip the grooves away, your left with a very rapid peace of music and lyric, and I miss good song writing. I miss good song arranging. I don’t hear enough of that. Then, of course, the negative is we lose out on hiring great musicians because so many of the records are made by computers these days, we’re not getting enough of all the talented musians that are out there losing work, there’s so many musicians that don’t play sessions any more. And that’s ashamed, because there fantastic musicians out there and there scrambling for work. And as for the kind of song writing and the kind of stuff where hearing on the radio, I just wish they stop cursing, I wish they stop treating women so badly. I wish they stop being violent and promoting violence and anger. I mean music has always been a reflection of societies; art is always a reflection of societies so there’s nobody to blame but ourselves, because that’s what’s really happening out there. But I wish it where better, I wish we could see what’s going on and maybe their music will reflect what’s going on and maybe we can change that, because it’s so shocking and appalling , some of the music is so shocking and appalling and so depressing that maybe it’s up to us to listen to this kind of stuff and say “is that what’s really happing?” and if it is and I’m pretty sure it is, maybe we can change it by listing to this protest done to music.