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Creativity and Inspiration

Brain Wilson said that when he composes he has a pitcher in his mind of exactly what he wants to hear. What is the composition process for you like Manilow, do melodies spring full blown or do you cut and pasted or collage fragments of inspirations? Everything, I see and hear them in my head; I cut and paste medleys like crazy. I use my computers and my wonderful software to help me create music and then sometimes these melody’s just wake me up in the middle of the night and I run to my cassette machine and try to catch that melody, and 10 to 1 the ones that wake me up in the middle of the night are the ones everybody winds up loving. I can work from today till tomorrow, all day long with my machines, at the piano, rooming through the house, trying to come up with a melody. and the ones that come that are unfanerd by my own judgment are the ones that are unblocked by my own demons and my own insecurities the ones that come in the middle of the night where I’m not even paying attention to those are the ones that are the most molanic The ones everybody relates to the ones the made the most people so that where my melody’s come and I try to get them as quickly as I can , sometimes I’m lucky and some times they escape, I’m always listening for them.