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On The Tube And Into The Mix

As far as music videos go, I think I’m probably one of the few people that don’t connect to it. I guess I’m more of an aural kind of person, A-U-R-A-L then a visual person. And, when I’m creating my music, I’m really lost in the sound of it. And visually, it just passes me by. I look at the MTV’s and the VH1’s, I know that people are enjoying them, and I know people are enjoying making them, and creating them. I just don’t connect with them, really. Sometimes when I look at MTV, all I see is people thrusting their midsections at the camera over, and over, and over, and over again. I guess that has a place in the world. But, for me, I like to listen to my music. Well as far as the remixing of songs goes these days, it is a very, very awkward experience for the creator. You put your heart and soul into creating a record that sounds one particular way that you envision in your mind and that you work very hard on and that you want to sound a specific way and then you turn over all of that to somebody else who gives you their version of what you’ve done. My experience with my dance mixes of, ‘’Copa, ‘’I’m Your Man’’, and, recently, ‘’I Really Love To See You Tonight’’ have been, thank goodness, they’ve been positive. But, at first listen, I’m usually shocked that I have to sit down and breathe hard. Because they sound so differently, so different then I originally came up with. ‘’I Really Love To See You Tonight’’ however, was a real jaw dropper for me. I never known in a million years, would never have been able to predict that that could be done with that song. I knew that a up-tempo version would work. But this guy, Tony Moran, is a real genius, and a maniac, at the same time and when I heard it, it was an eye opener and I flipped out over it. I love this remix of, ‘’I Really Love To See You Tonight’’ and I’m just crossing my fingers that everyone else does too