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Results From Back In Black

BCW's Back In Black was a great PPV so lets get right in with the results.
BCW is blowin' up! Before the event started Escobar made a HUGE announcement that he had gotten in personal contact with David Scherer (a writer for and ECW magazine) and David said that if Escobar (Steve) gave him a copy of the tape he could personally put it in the hands of Paul Heyman (a.k.a. Paul E. Dangerously), president of ECW. So everyone tried their hardest to make this tape better than anyone ever.

  • Dookie Donna vs. TSD (non-title)
    The match started off with TSD downing a six-pack of orange drinks. Then out came Dookie Donna. The Bell rang and TSD whipped Dookie into the rope and tried to hit him with a bulletin board. Dookie ducked out of the way, kicked TSD, took the board, and smashed it over the head of TSD. Dookie than got a cookie sheet, pulled TSD to his feet and smashed him across the face with it. Dookie than pulled TSD up again, threw him into the ropes, and leveled him with a clothesline. Dookie than went off and got another bulletin board and waited for TSD to get to his feet. When he did, Dookie went to hit him with it but instead TSD side kicked trough the board and into the face of Dookie Donna. TSD then proceeded to beat Dookie with the bulletin board while he was on the ground. TSD than grabbed a cookie sheet, threw Dookie into the ropes, and ripped him in the head with the cookie sheet. TSD than grabbed a frying pan, pulled Dookie Donna to his feet, and hit him in the forehead with the pan. TSD grabbed a cookie sheet and swung at Dookie with it. Dookie dodged it, put it on the ground, threw TSD into the ropes, and gave TSD a face-buster onto the sheet. Dookie Donna than grabbed a record player, placed it on the "lower abdomen" of TSD and hit it with a guitar. Dookie than went for a pin but TSD kicked out a the last second. Frustrated, Dookie grabbed a chain and wrapped it around his fist. When he swung, TSD ducked, kneed Dookie in the stomach, and drilled him with a Tiger Bomb. TSD than smashed a record over the head of Dookie Donna and gave him a hard scoop slam. TSD than got up a a trash can and went for his patented half-flip into a Senton Splash. Dookie moved at the last moment and TSD landed hard. Dookie grabbed a chair and leveled TSD as he was standing up. Dookie than took his time walking around the ring before going back to TSD. When he finally did TSD reached up and grabbed Dookie by the throat and stood up. He then kicked Dookie in the stomach and went for another powerbomb, but when he got Dookie up, Donna reversed it into a Fame-Asser. Dookie than got up, grabbed TSD, and spiked him onto a cookie sheet with a vicious DDT. Dookie than picked up the dazed TSD and went for a tornado DDT of a trashcan. TSD tried to reverse it into a Northern Lights suplex but Dookie kicked his legs until he reversed the Northern Lights into another vicious DDT. When Dookie went to pick up TSD, TSD caught Dookie with a low blow and picked him up into a firemans carry, and spun Dookie around into Greetings From the BCW Arena. TSD than grabbed the record player and returned the favor to Dookie Donna from before. The ref told TSD to back off and while TSD was distracted by the ref Dookie grabbed the guitar out of the hands of TSD. Dookie pulled back and ripped TSD with it in the head as pieces of the guitar went flying. Out of nowhere TSD blocked the punch and grabbed Dookie for another suplex, but dookie reversed it into a reverse DDT. Both men rose to their feet and Dookie hit TSD with a Dookie Stain for the 1-2-3. Winner: Dookie Donna Marijuana.
  • Fuzzy vs. J-Love
    Fuzzy enters the ring first. J-Love comes out and the 2 lock up. Fuzzy starts unloading pucnches to the head and face of J-Love. Fuzzy plants J-Love with a DDT and Fuzzy begins to kick and stomp him. J-Love gets to his feet and Fuzzy forearms him in the side of the head and gives him a gut-wrench suplex. J-Love gets up and punches Fuzzy in the side of the head and aswers back with a DDT of his own. He then puts Fuzzy in a half-surfboard but when Fuzzy won't tap, J-Love lets go. J-Love walks away frustrated and when he comes back Fuzzy jumps to his feet, hits J-Love with a forearm shot to the back and hits J-Love with a gut-wrench powerbomb. Fuzzy picks up J-Love an whips him into the ropes and follows him in with a shoulder block. Fuzzy takes time to show off and when he turns around he gets hit with the Who's Your Daddy and J-Love gets the pin. Winner: J-Love.
  • Big Nuts vs. The Rock in a Singapore Cane Match
    Big Nuts enters the ring first. The Rock runs out and begins to unload right hands onto Big Nuts. He whips Big Nuts into the ropes and hits him with a nice dropkick. The Rock then goes and gets a stop sign and nails Big Nuts in the head with it. He then places it on Big Nuts' chest and drops an elbow on him. The Rock picks up Big Nuts and plants him with a Dominator. The Rock goes and gets a cookie sheet to hit Big Nuts with, but Big Nuts grabs one of his own and levels The Rock. Big Nuts plants The Rock with a powerslam then picks him up and whips him into the a pole. Then Big Nuts gets a ladder and hits The Rock 3 times with it. Big Nuts picks up The Rock and givs him a fishermans suplex then he sets up a chair, picks up The Rock and gives him a drop toehold onto it. Big Nuts grabs The Rock by his hair and when he does Rock counters with a low blow. When Big Nuts falls down, The Rock places a cookie sheet on the nuts of Big Nuts and hits it with a hard right hand. Rock than puts a trashcan on Big Nuts chest and hits him with a HUGE elbow. Rock than smashes Big Nuts in the head with a flower pot and plants him with a DDT. Rock then grabs the ladder to climb up and get the cane but is pulled of by Big Nuts through a table made of sheet rock and Big Nuts climbs up and gets the cane instead. Big Nuts than jumps off the ladder and nails Rock with the cane. Big Nuts unloads on The Rock with multiple cane shots and than he hits The Rock with the Black and White Express but is too hurt to make a cover. When they both get up, Rock grabs the cane and begins to beat the hell out of Big Nuts. The Rock than runs and jumps off a fence and nails Big Nuts in the head with the cane. Rock than goes over and sets up a double table while Big Nuts is down. The Rock picks up Big Nuts and takes him over to the double table, but Big Nuts hits Rock and sets up two trashcans next to the double table he grabs The Rock and hits a Black and White Express off the trashcan and through the tables. Big Nuts gets up eventually and lifts The Rock to his feet. He hits Rock with the cane and turns around to tell the crowd he's the fuckin show. When he turns around Rock hits him with a right hand then plants him with Rock Bottom. Rock than grabs the cane and hits Big Nuts a few times and than makes the cover. TSD counts 1-2...WHAM! TSD nails The Rock in the back of the head with the cane! TSD has gone g.W.o! Escobar comes out and tells Rock that TSD had been plotting on him for 2 weeks. They leave and The Rock is helped out of the ring by Cool Breeze and Psycho. Winner: Rock by DQ.
  • g.W.o interview
    The g.W.o comes out and TSD shows his loyalty by giving up posession of the belt to the g.W.o. TSD and Escobar also challenge Big Nuts and Dizzy to a tag match later for the belts in a little "friendly competiton". They accept and the g.W.o. leave
  • 3 way New Jersey title match match: Escobar vs. Lights Out vs. Cool Breeze
    Not much wrestling in this match, more brawling and hardcore. Escobar hit Cool Breeze with the Wet Dream than Lights Out a little later to retain the NJ strap and an undefeated record.
  • Psycho vs. Dizzy vs. CrackerJack
    Too much action to recap the whole match. Highlights: Psycho drop kicks a record player directly into the fasce of CrackerJack. Dizzy hits a big splash on CrackerJack through a table. Psycho hits a big moonsault off a walker. Psycho gives Dizzy a vicious Fisherman's Buster through a table to eliminate him from the match. CrackerJack places a plank of wood on the back of Psycho and frog splashes him for the win. Winner: CrackerJack
  • Too Sexy and Escobar vs. Dizzy and Big Nuts
    Escobar and Dizzy start off the match with a nice exchange. Dizzy leap frogs over esco and nails him with a spinning heel kick. Too Sexy tagged in a short time later. Scores a gorilla press and a Rock Bottom on Dizzy. Big Nuts is tagged in. Big Nuts with a powerslam on Too Sexy. Too Sexy answers back with a big chokeslam. Escobar tagged in. Gets a roll up pin on Big Nuts for the 1-2-3. Winners and new tag champs: Escobar and Too Sexy.
  • gWo interview
    Too Sexy says that for all his hard work and loyalty to the gWo he will reward him by giving him the belt. Before he can get his hands on it Dookie hits him from behind with a cane. gWo jumps Fuzzy, during the melee Dookie hits Dizzy in the back of the head. gWo leaves the two laying in the ring and leave.
  • Big Nuts interview
    Big Nuts says he's sick of the gWo and he didn't want to leave his tag partner so he says he's still nWo for life. Dizzy comes out Big Nuts says he's only got 8 words to say about his next member "Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?" Rock comes out and puts on an nWo shirt. Show ends.