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Sent to me by a kind man , Dr. TGS ,who lived in this area many years ago.

"The history of the bridges is also intereesting. The Beck article refers to a "New" bridge when he visited in the early 1930's or late 1920's. This bridge was sill in place in the late 1930's. I remember vaguely being there and there was a bridge. Then it went out - I am guessing with the 1938 Hurricane. However a new bridge was built maybe just after the war with steel I beams and wood planking. The creosoted reamins of the pilings from this 1940's birdge still remain. This bridge was stolen one piece at a time. I have a picture of it from 1952 which shows the start of its being stolen. By 1954 the last steel beam was gone. Since I used to cross that way - one time I arrived and there was no bridge so I had to walk all the way around - out to the pike and then back to Cecil. A long walk. It was too cold and the water too deep to just walk across in the middle of the winter."