Once kind words are painful..
I bleed from your disease..
I gave everything you asked for.. wanted..
and yet you still lied to me..
had you demanded My heart.. a knife I'd take
and carver it out..
on a silver plater twould be handed..
would you wish for a crucifixition..
"I would slash my wrists and hang like the bastard christ for YOU!"
I've given my time..
the clocks all stopped.. things forgotten for you..
Lies told.. to cover your short comings..
All it was.. was for you..
you greedy little slut!.
I see you now.. walking down the street.. and I think..
Paint me evil.. Paint Me kruel..
make me look bad.. I made you look like a fool..
tell your lies..
play this posion game..
for I am the one.. who won't ever be sane..
missing you madly.. watching you grow..
eyes like jewleed daggers..
following you, wherever you go..
Hitting harder.. the shark now bites.. ripping fiercly
into flesh, that not even a thousand scalding hot baths..
can purify and cleanse..
the corroded touch, rots into My very depths.. tainting me..
Do you laugh as you walk with your new one?..
Do you find the joy you couldn't here?
or were My looks just not model material?..
enjoying those ill gotten gains..
Does your new one wear a ring.. or bracelet.. bought
bought with the money you stole from me..
nice new car.. did you sell My guitar to get that?..
I see you now.. I'll hunnt you down.. you guttertrash talking piece of filth..
and remove your lying down with a blunt edged knife.. to make every second be as pinful as possible...
you little shrvilled sex driven bastard!.. you tit licking freak..
I will break you, like you can not imagine, no bad luck for me.. as the mirror breaks and shatters..
thousands of pieces.. each on, driven into a piece of my heart..
My heart is gone.. a huge empty space.. take a gun..
shoot into me BOOM!..
no more blood..
no heart to pump it for you to laugh..
lies.. never ending spuns tales..
as deadly as an invisible spiders web to the fly..
never knowing, until it is to late, then TRAPPED... dinner for the predator..
fall.. fall and scream pretty flower.. I am going to crush those precious petals..
and make you hurt, and bleed, and suffer..
all you have anc cherish is going to be destroyed..
no more perfect reflection.. what you see isnt't to be taken for face value
you lying snake of a bastard..
you make a politician look honest!
remember.. always one step behind.. and in the shadows.. when there are none.. is where I'll be.

-J. Elf aka GMN 2000-

<BGSOUND SRC="https://www.angelfire.com/nj/blackrosecantina/ff10.mid" LOOP="-1">

All work on this page is the personal and private property of Gina M. Nigro and IS NOT permitted to be used, copied reprinted or otherwise without her express written permission. All works are her property and displayed for her self enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of others.

Email: ginaladyhawke@comcast.net